Great site for brief forms....

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Sue and all:
Briefpedia is the handiwork of Johnny Jackson, RDR, owner of Stenovations. Not only does it give briefs for a word, it also gives some possible conflicts for the briefs. What a great tool!

Greta Duckett
Is Digital Cat the only compatible software for the Light Speed Writer?
Not at all. CC, Eclipse, and StenoCAT as well as DC users are writing on the LS.
Thanks. Are you presently using the Light Speed Writer? It looks very tempting :-)
Have you tried the Treal Machine?
I have been a LS addict -- uh, user since August '07. I'm on Eclipse. I've never tried the Treal.
Would you be the direct contact for a possible school demo? I teach on Long Island in NY, and we might be interested in having a possible demo for our next seminar...
Ah, I'm on the opposite coast, in Oregon. Greta is the Stenovations rep around here. I'm sure she'll be by to answer your question.
TY :-)
I'm in Alabama. To inquire about demos, contact Stenovations Lightspeed sales at

When a NY reporter association has a conference is probably the best time to have a demo so that they could do it while already in the area. Don't forget that the NCRA summer convention next year is in Washington, DC!
These guys should make an embeddable "widget" if they want to grow like wild fire... every reporter, site.. etc would prolly embed it (we would)


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