I'm having some issues with my playback sound on my Dell computer. I've always had a Dell because of the awesome service contract....next day to your home, and that is so important, but I thought, what a better place to start a discussion and take a survey on what kind of laptops people use and how they like them. It will help us all dramatically if we know what to buy the time time we need to get a new one.

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I'm glad to know somebody else likes to be among the family. I just moved from the other living area to the spare bedroom for my office. My husband misses me being out there, so I'll just copy everything and take my laptop out to the couch. And, yes, amen, for commercials.
You're so funny, Mysci! LOL
I was just standing 'looking' at my red bag and DD asked what I was doing, lol. I just don't think it is 'that' big....maybe I just like big?? LOL! Can't wait for your opinion when you get yours!!
Well, big is relative, of course. Your purse is almost as big as my current computer bag. :P
I can't wait for mine to get here!!
ROFL!!! Ok, that makes sense! I 'have' to have a big purse for room for DD's stuff sometimes, lol. My tablet fits easily into it, and I can wrap my camera in a cloth and tuck it in too, if I want.
Sounds like an AWESOME office!!

I don't have TIME to spend on 'cleaning'!!!! I want to catch up my bills and get to a point to have a cleaning lady! LOL! I have folding waiting in the dining room! Dust?? I collect it! I keep the kitchen and bathroom clean. Vaccum once a week or so?? Maybe in two weeks? LOL!

Making dinner is bad enough!! I just have other 'priorities' then to get the clutter 'every' day! LOL!
Rhoda, we have so much in common. I'm like you, I'm lucky to get my bills paid. Thank goodness for bill pay, but then I do have to write down the payments in my register...eventually. Me too on the cleaning lady. Maybe when I win the lottery...if I would ever play. I can tell you about dust. I live in the country on a dirt road, so I have a great collection. I dust when company is coming; otherwise when I can no longer see the color of the furniture, I may give it a wipe, and by the end of the day, it looks like I never dusted. And vacuuming, I have to do that about every other day. Got five dogs running in and out, and tracking in hay. And I do keep the kitchen clean...try to with two men in the house, and one of our bathrooms, mine. I don't even go into my son's. I could catch something deadly going in there. I feel you.
I get the TV dust most often. ;) I would love a dusty, country road! And totally agree on Bill pay!!! I use my Outlook calendar to give me reminders, LOL! Then, I can double check the bills I don't have set to auto pay. This was the first year tho I paid the taxes in full instead of in payments! That felt nice!

I just have my CCs from the past few years when I have not 'worked'...stayed home with my DD. I would love 100,000 from a lottery....that would be enough, lol. I don't play tho! ;)
Don't forget some exhibits
Are you tired just 'thinking' about the work it took?? I am, lol! Back to my tranny!
LOL!!! Pine-Sol, what's that?


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