My name is Kate and I've recently started using audiosync -- not realtime -- I sync up the audio from a digital recorder when I get home. Lately, after I've downloaded the job and added the audio, I noticed that the timestamping, in the notes files of the document, changes. It doesn't happen every time. The first 20 or 30 pages will be fine -- it will say 00:23:06 and then on the 31st page it will jump to -10:23:06:00 and stay that exact time throughout the rest of the document. Naturally, the rest of the audio is useless because the time stamping if way off.

I've spoken to Eclipse several time and they assure me that it is a writer issue. I don't have an extented contract with stenograph, so, of course, they won't answer any questions. What I really want to know is if anyone knows, or knows of someone, who has experienced this? Do I need service or why this might be happening? If anyone has any ideas please email me because I don't get on the forum as much as I would like -- thanks in advance, Kate. or 215-482-5786

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Are you taking the floppy from your writer and "reading" the notes into Eclipse? I find that when I do it that way, the timestamping does not come over and it doesn't sync up.
How do you do it? I write directly to the floppy and then read and translate -- let me know, thanks, Kate.
My writer is hooked up to my laptop, and I write realtime to the laptop. That way the note file is being created by Eclipse w/the corresponding timestamp.
Oh, okay. No, I don't do realtime -- I find it a hassle to lug the computer, plus the attorneys act like it's such an inconvienence--lol. I just started using the digital with audiosysnc until I ran into this problem.
This happens to me if I've paused the digital recorder for a break.


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