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Does anyone have a good and easy brief for "e-mail"? Continue
Started by Veronica Iglesias. Last reply by tami carlson Apr 14, 2020.
Please help! I actually write the following words out and can't for the life of me think of any good briefs for these. Any…Continue
Started by Veronica Iglesias. Last reply by Michele Urbina May 18, 2019.
anyone have a brief for:candidateContinue
Started by kathy - iamwrdsmth. Last reply by Connie Martin Dunne Nov 25, 2017.
I can't seem to come up with one stroke briefs for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 -- any ideas?I usually have one stroke.Thanks.Continue
Started by Juli Price Jackson. Last reply by Laura Ware, Ware Reporting Svc Mar 17, 2017.
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Grant, those are great. However, after doing this job for 28 years, I'd have to change my whole writing to do some of those.
I learned some of that stuff from a few Kingslingbery (sp) seminars.
He does final FR for were and FS for was so you can have
THAUFR = that you were
THAIFS = that I was
Alll sorts of combinations. Love them
TLAOKT = take a look at
TLAOK = take a look
Good idea, Sam :-)
Guess you could do TAO*EUP for atypical if you do TOIP for typical.
Thank you, LeAnne :-)
TOIP - typical
TO*IP - typically
Nothing for atypical though.
Anyone have something for:
Thanks, Grant. Great ideas!
Been wanting to contribute for the last entries. I recently published my own theory called THE STENO WAY, based on the Philadelphia Clinic course principles. However, there are things that I have picked up along the way over the years. "This" and "that" in phrasing is one of those things, and so I've included them in my theory.
I use initial P- for "of" in phrases, such as PA = of a; PUR = of your.
I use final -P for "that" in phrases, too, as in: FOP = for that; TOP = to that (TAUP = top).
I use final -J for "this" as in P-J = of this
Final -JS for "these" as in TOJS = to these
Final -JZ for "those" as in P-JZ = of those
While I tried many years ago to use SKP- for "and," it never felt comfortable, so I write it when alone as AND. In a phrase, I use A as in AIN = and I know; AENGS = and he thinks; ARBS = and she is; AUL = and you will (A*UL = all).
If I use SKP- for anything, it would have to include an asterisk so I could "balance" my movements with both hands, and then I reserve it for some unusual word or name that keeps coming up, just as a temporary shortcut, so SKP*.
As for "expert opinion," I simply use SP-N.
It's always amazing to see the great ideas we all come up with.
I write expert - SPERT and opinion is P-N, so my expert opinion brief is SPERN.
I like your ideas for and the, and that and and this. Those are easier than mine. Thanks!
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