Here is my story: I am a night student at South Coast College in Orange. I work full-time (graveyard shift), and I am a single mom. I sleep during the day, wake up and go to school and then straight to work four days a week. I practice as often as I can, which really isn't that much. I type on my break at work for an hour (at 4 in the morning), and I try to get to school early when I can. I have been in school a little over two years, and I know I am moving at a desirable pace. I am currently at goal 170, but that is due to my lack of a passing an unfamiliar test. I have already passed my 180 familiars.

Our school does not introduce or require unfamilliar until you are at goal 170. They offer a 150/160 unfamiliar class, which I attend. I find myself keeping up for the most part most of the time with both of those, but not well enough to type and pass the test. I also have a 170/180 unfamiliar class that I attend. I record all of my unfamiliar dictation from 150 through 180.

I'm not sure what is the best approach. One of my teachers suggests watching TV and just picking up what I can. I read a link that was posted somewhere on here about practicing at a lower speed until you have nearly perfected it, and then move on to your higher speed. I have also heard that I should be sitting in my goal speeds, hoping I'll just pick it up eventually.

I haven't been attempting my unfamiliars for too long, so I'm not quite a lost cause yet, but I am surrounded by people who have gotten stuck in this exact spot, and I want to catch it early.

I am more than willing to try any suggestions. Thank you!

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Comment by Jennifer on April 3, 2009 at 14:27
Hi Natalie,

I actually went to South Coast. I started in the day and then went to nights. I practiced to the news and Anderson Cooper. It was hard, and some days I wanted to turn the tv off, but I definitely think that was a big help for me. I think the harder the practice material you are doing, the easier the tests will be for you.

South Coast also has tapes in the typing room that you can check out. They are all unfamiliar tapes.

Hopefully that helps you some. Good luck and hang in there!!
Comment by Natalie Sorenson on March 30, 2009 at 23:23
Thank you to everyone. It seems like I should definitely be practicing at higher speeds. It'll be a celebration when I can pass them!
Comment by Janiece Young on March 26, 2009 at 21:38
I had to go to school part-time too and it is hard. It is possible to finish and become a court reporter. I am living proof. One thing my teacher told me to do was to practice writing and then read my steno back b/c you write w/ one side of your brain and you read with another. The better you have that theory in your brain, the less hesitation you will have.
Keep up the good work and it will be worth it. Court reporting is an amazing and rewarding career.
You can do it!!!!

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