Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC's Comments

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At 11:47 on January 13, 2013, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

I was thinking a Sunday would work out the best, not during the week when people are working.  How about February 3?  Does that work for you? 

At 20:15 on January 11, 2013, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Jenny, when are you going to be up for getting some Eclipse reporters together at my house?  I'm thinking about 10 would be a good number.  If you charge us all 50 per hour, you could make a good amount of money.  I was figuring three hours would be good.

At 12:31 on January 1, 2013, Brenda Bunney said…

Hi Jenny!  I got the link!  Thank you.  You're so sweet!



At 21:43 on December 14, 2012, Stacy Tegner said…

Hi Jenny!!  Thank you for the lovely graphic :)  How are you?  I'm doing well ~ busy with kids, work, life.  I don't get on the forums as much as I'd like, but I try to stop by at least monthly.  I hope all is going great for you and that you're ready and enjoying holiday season.  Happy almost 2013 :)  

At 17:44 on November 27, 2012, Quyen said…

Hi, Jenny.  Thanks for that, but I don't think it's my output format.  I have mine set to Bridge/Lawbridge. This only happened after the lunch break. I set Eclipse on pause, and when I resumed, it just couldn't seem to get back on track. Techs keep asking me why I hate E5. I have another item to add to my list.  :(

At 10:51 on November 27, 2012, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

My husband is a realtor and most of the time has an open house on Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00, so that's a good time.  I was thinking maybe after the first of the year when things settle down after the holidays.  Then maybe we could pull something together then.

At 9:30 on November 27, 2012, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Well, if you ever want to get a group of people together, you can always use my house.  We could fit eight people pretty well I bet.

At 9:59 on November 25, 2012, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Hey, Jenny

Thank you for the sweet post on my page.  You have the coolest glitter graphics.  I'd love to set up a session with you sometime to have you come to my house and teach me some Eclipse stuff.  Maybe some editing from the writer would be cool.  I live in San Mateo.

At 9:02 on November 21, 2012, Aimee Edwards-Altadonna said…

Thanks, Jenny! I will be exploring soon.  What else should I check out?

At 10:32 on September 17, 2012, Natasha McCall said…

Thank you for the warm welcome!  I love it

At 15:35 on August 18, 2012, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

It was because the microphone wasn't attached when I tried to play the audio.  This is a Windows 7 issue I think.  I got it fixed though.  Can't wait till we don't have to use the key.  So cool.

At 15:04 on August 18, 2012, Stacy L. Metz said…

WOW!  I just saw my Christmas post from you, and thank you so much!  I'm sorry that I haven't seen it until now.  I hope you're doing well.  I am now shooting for 200 wpm!  I'm really getting excited.  :)

At 22:53 on July 16, 2012, Brenda Rogers said…

I don't get here nearly enough.  Thank you for my birthday greeting -- it's beautiful!

At 14:18 on June 10, 2012, Vanessa Smith said…

Hi Jenny,

Thank you so much for accepting my friendship!


At 5:47 on June 7, 2012, Rich Germosen said…
Thanks, Jenny!
At 7:41 on May 10, 2012, Kathrynne Campos-Gil said…
Good morning.  I am desperately in need of an experienced Eclipse Scopist.  Would love to have a referral from you if possible.  You may  wonder why I am asking you.  It is because I want referrals from the best.
At 12:23 on April 23, 2012, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Thanks, Jenny

What a beautiful picture of the City.  So cool. 

At 8:37 on April 11, 2012, Carolyn White said…

thank you Jenny.  I need to get over to this site once in a while.  I sort of don't think about it.

At 13:44 on March 16, 2012, April Floyd said…

Of course, I remember Boo, the ghost!  One of my favorite stories and definitely my favorite ghost!   Neato graphic, Jenny!


At 11:08 on February 22, 2012, Tina Givens said…

Hey, Jenny!  Looks as if I still have an account here, which needs major updating!!  Not sure I need another distraction in my life....

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