Have info to share or have questions about the latest update, post it here.

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Thanks Rebecca!

Funny you say that. I finally downloaded the update today and I ended up having to call support. I asked the lady while I had her on the phone why that was happening. Sure enough, my setting was at 50. I never even realized it. I try not to mess too much with my settings. But a while ago I lost my setting and I had to have support fix them. Anyway, she told me to put them at 20, but I think I'm gonna do what you said and lower it. I guess I'll just have to play with it. Before I had turned off my auto-brief too case it would give me these weird ones that I couldn't remember. But now that you can customize it more I turned it back on so I can mess around with that too. I just shadow alot and sometimes my notes can be very messy. My dictionary is pretty good, but still I would like to improve on my translates, since I'm doing all my jobs in real time. (Of course, just for my benefit only)

I just don't want to sound stupid in here. Cause I've been on Eclipse for a while, but I just haven't learned all the perks and shortcuts. Thanks for the help :)
Amy, go ahead and try it at 20. That's where mine is set, and I'm happy with it.

Can't even imagine working without AutoBrief or Translation Magic anymore. These tools are here to make our writing easier -- and they really work! Don't give up on them. You're going to wonder how you ever wrote without them. I'm consistently around. .5-.8% untranslate (unless it's an exceptionally hard job or I'm WAY off my game). The past couple of days, I've been in the .1s. Couldn't do it without Eclipse helping out!
Sure, Amy. No problem!!

I agree with Brenda regarding the features of Eclipse. They are there to make our job easier and I think everyone should take full advantage of them whenever possible.

It wasn't a lucky guess on my part that your TM was set at 50, that's the default that it is set at by the programmers. Don't know why, but that's just the way it is.

As far as getting a better translation rate, there are a couple things you can do. First is check your drag and drop keys in the translate tab. Unfortunately the factory default for the dragged keys is all of them. Eclipse will help translate a lot better if you select just a few drag and drop keys that you KNOW you are always dragging or dropping. For instance, most reporters drag the right-side L, so that is an easy pick. Watch your writing and learn which keys you have trouble with and then select them. You can always change it if it's not working for you.

Another thing you can do that is somewhat "advanced" is tweak your phonetics table under the programming tab. The phonetics table that comes with the software is kind of an every-person phonetics table. What I mean by that is, is it encompasses many steno theories, so Eclipse has a better chance of "guessing" at an untranslate to make it come out correctly.

Basically what a reporter needs to do in the phonetics table is "VERY CAREFULLY" go through and remove things that do not apply to your writing style or steno theory and perhaps add a few things that are not in there. I went through and tweaked mine in layers. It took about five passes over a year to get it just right. You want to be very conservative and careful. I would recommend just looking at the phonetics table at first and then maybe calling tech support to have them help.

Good luck!

Anyone have any info on the latest update Eclipse 5?  I am not done editing my jobs on the older version.  If I upgrade, does that mean that I can't finish editing my work?  Seems like I am never all the way caught up to upgrade.


May have to wait till I get back from Europe and am all caught up before I upgrade.  Anyone had any issues? 

When you update, everything gets copied into the new version of the program.  When you open a job you're working on while in version 5, it turns it into a version 5 file.  The original version 4 file will still be in the old folder.  You'll basically have two copies of the same job, one in each version, but only the one you're working in will have your new edits.  Hope that makes sense.

Thanks, Laura


I was worried about that.  Have you had any issues with the new version?

No issues.  I've been using it all along over the past year and a half or so as a development version, so there have been issues along the way, but those have all been worked out.  Version 5 is very stable and reliable.  Go for it!

I've started a new group for Version 5 users.

This update has a lot more features to it than an ordinary update.  Lots of details on AutoMagic alone.

Anyone who has advice on which aspects of AutoMagic to use or the other new changes.....or the division interval and DropBox, please come and contribute.  There are Version 5 users interested in what you've done and why.


New Version 5 users, please come and post your questions!



The development version of Eclipse has a new feature which analyzes documents.  A document is run against any of your dictionaries and it produces a list of words that occurred in the document that are not in your dictionaries.

My firm sends out a Pdf word list (if they have one) for job prep.  Those indexes are in a columnar format.  You can save a pdf to a txt file but when I've tried that, I end up with just the left column of words.

I have just found a web site http://www.cometdocs.com/ and you can have individual words extracted from a pdf from this tool.  I've bounced the resultant txt file against my main dictionary and it works quite nicely.  


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