I know someone has to have had this happen, and was just wondering what they do.  I had a case where there were two attorneys.  Of course the taking attorney orders a copy, and the other attorney wants his clients to read and sign but he doesn't want a copy.  I don't want to send him a copy, because then he'd be getting a free copy.  Can anybody tell me what they do in this situation? 

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You do nothing other than send the notification letter that the transcript is ready for reading and signing to the witness c/o of his/her attorney.  S/he has to make arrangements to come to your office to read and sign.  Well, that's California rule, anyway.  No one is entitled to a free transcript to read and sign simply because they don't order a copy.
Don't you just love it when this happens?  We do something similar in Kansas and Missouri.  We send a transcript w/ no word index directly to the witness.  I like the idea of making them come to the office to read and sign.
I have had it happen where the firm I was working for was not local, but the witness's attorney didn't order copy and wanted witness to read and sign, the firm booked a conference room at one of the executive suites, with instructions to the front desk on how to handle, i.e., witness cannot leave with it, cannot copy, et cetera.
pdf-it.com now has an eR&S module (Read & Sign).  You can read about it here:  http://www.pdf-it.com/erands_service.aspx
Judy, how much does pdf-it charge?  Is it a yearly charge, one-time charge?

They give you your first 30 days for free, as an evaluation period, I guess.  After that, it's about $31-32/mo. 

BTW, they also have a module -- I call it it a module, have no idea what it's really called -- where you can send the atty an e-mail with COD instructions (PayPal, etc.).  As soon as they pay it, they get to download the file.  (It also works with rough drafts.)

Oh, and Morgan is probably one of the nicest guys you'll ever want to meet.  He will do everything in his power to make sure you're happy and satisfied. 

And... he keeps coming out with new "modules."  This product just keeps getting better and better, all at the same original price.


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