It's in this month's magazine.  A reporter lost her RPR status and was expelled permanently from NCRA for violation of testing policies and procedures.


Anyone have an idea of what happened?

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Must have been pretty bad.  I'm very curious, though.  Wonder what that's all about.  She/he probably cheated on a test I bet.
That'd be my guess.
I've actually had someone offer to pay me to take it for them.  I was speechless.  And obviously refused.
The stupidity of that person to think there was even a slim chance is mind-boggling!
I just took the CRR test.  They were VERY strict about cheating.  I don't know how you would cheat.  I have no desire to cheat.  They read some long thing at the beginning of the test how you could lose your RPR, not be allowed to test for three years or possibly ever.  I'm wondering if they have had a problem with cheating and they are trying to nip it in the bud.
Even coming out of the test and writing down questions you can remember that were on it to help a future test-taker is considered cheating. It might have been something like that.

I passed the RPR back in '81, before I even got done with school.  I was still trying to pass the 160 lit.

I have been working for two years to rebuild my speed, and am now on CAT, and will be retaking the RPR. 


For me, even the thought of cheating is humiliating.

We don't know that this person actually was caught cheating, but I don't know what else "violation of testing policies and procedures" would mean.  Had to be more than a misunderstanding.  "Expelled permanently" sounds pretty harsh.


I voluntarily gave up my RPR by no longer being an NCRA member.  Didn't hurt at all -- physically nor figuratively.  :)
Couldn't pay me to give up my certs.  No, I don't get money by having them, but I have a sense of pride in having those initials behind my name.  I worked hard for those, and I'm not giving them up.  And even though I get no more per page than someone who doesn't have certs, I do feel I have the opportunity most times to get better work.  My main firm, the owner is big on certs, and he won't even hire anyone without the RPR.  We have many RMRs and CRRs at my firm.  I fully believe that had I not had those initials behind my name, he never would have sent me on the first job.

One reason that I've always kept up my membership is the same as you, don't want to give up those hard-earned initials which are the ticket to advanced certifications.  The second reason I've done it is that in a lot of the states, the RPR or the RPR plus notary are the required certification.  Life is long and strange.  While the future may seem predictable, you never really know what it will bring, so be as ready as you can for whatever.  Bet you know why I'm really pleased now that I kept it up despite all temptation to do otherwise.

For those who don't know, in September, Ted (husband) was made a job offer he couldn't refuse.  It happens to be on the other side of the country in an area where the requirement is indeed RPR plus notary.  He's there now.  I am in the process of putting our house in California on the market.  The cats and I will tentatively join him around the first weekend in January.  Never imagined I'd live anywhere but California!  Life really is long and strange, and NCRA certifications are one nice buffer for the unexpected.

Those are the reasons I keep my RPR.  Also I don't test well, so I never want to have to retake the RPR or CSR. 


Good luck with the move and selling your house.


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