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Let's not reinvent the wheel, as they say. There is lots of info on CR-NET regarding ABs. Here is one link from Keith Vincent's e-Tips. I have been using these macros since this e-Tip in July of 2007. When you downloaded V5, you received the updated version of the RT editing kit. The macros are in there.
If you don't get the e-Tips, you can sign up for them here:
Other links related to ABs: http://www.kvincent.com/Tip_110.pdf
Tip from Jenny: I avoid the number bar and the Z key, so I write my AB request macros like this: S-BS, T-BS, P-BS, H-BS - instead of Keith's suggested 1-BZ, 2-BZ, etc.
Read page 21. When you downloaded V5, this updated RT editing kit should have loaded. In Eclipse click on Help/Eclipse Documentation.
thanks, Jenny
For anyone who's interested, I just called support, and the simple answer to my question is that requesting briefs can be done two ways.
If you want to request briefs using your writer, you need Keith's realtime editing kit and use the macros he has in there.
You can also request a suggestion from your realtime screen by marking the words and hitting Control D.
Also the number of Suggestions is the total number of suggestions for all the briefs Eclipse thinks you might want. It's NOT the number of suggestions for each group of words.
Thanks, Jenny
This is wonderful information. I love it.
To go along with those request macros for 1-word brief, 2-word brief, etc., you may want to make a dictionary entry defined {ABNEW} to get a different brief if you don't like the original suggestion and an entry defined {ABREJECT} to get rid of an offered brief without Eclipse offering up another suggestion.
Check the metadix to make sure you have the lines below for this to work.
So let me ask, if you hit TAOEUPM, TAOEUPM twice then the software will tell you how long you have been on the record? That would be amazing. Not sure if I understood that in the PDF attachment. It showed time time twice and then it says: “How long we been on the record today?”
That is what I'm assuming. Am I right? That would be great since I am always trying to figure out how many hours we've been on the record when the videographer is not there.
Make sure you read this: http://www.kvincent.com/Tip_110.pdf
I have set my minimum and reminder number to 2. Because I have room on my mini monitor, I want it to show six reminder briefs only, and I may turn it down to three on my next job.
Before Version 5 when you wanted to "keep" an autobrief, once you used it, it went into the AB dictionary for that job, and only the ones you used went into the file, as I remember.
Now with Version 5, all the suggestions go into the AB dictionary for that file, right?
So, I'm thinking I could create a master dictionary of all the suggestions I haven't used yet but want to use.
Anybody figured out a way to "manage" this new system?
If any of you have deleted the Auto-Brief ineligible words list in the programming tab, you may be getting too many suggested ABs that you don't want.
hmmm.....that's interesting....I haven't done that though....I do wish it wouldn't remind me of phrases I just choose not to use...maybe a little sophistication for the reminder function will come down the road.
I deleted them because someone on here told me that when I ask for suggestions, it will give me them because it wasn't before. However, it's not working. The other day I asked for at least 15 AB suggestions and I was only given three. I went back to V4. I'll use V5 if I have a daily, but I love the AB suggestions and want them available to me and it works much, much better in V4.
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