I have an "immediate delivery" transcript on Thursday.  I was thinking I'd have everyone on the same Dropbox file and they can go in and access the file throughout the day.  I'm not sure if that's the best way to do it, though, when using four scopists, which is what I'm doing.

I think it might be confusing as to who takes what.  I may just split the files and breaks and then send them.  Not sure yet what to do.

What has been anyone's experience doing dailies with Dropbox with multiple scopists?

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I have separate folders for each of my scopist.  So I upload the files to each folder.  That way the scopist know to go to their folder, and I don't have to worry about people doing the wrong section of the transcript.

Kelli...have you looked into Division Interval using 5?  If you're using .21 or later, it should work well.  The scopists can rename the interval files with their initials (filename)_JD while still in DB, then copy it to their Eclipse job folder.  That way the next scopist to grab a file will know which ones are taken already.  The underscore is important in renaming the file.  You can set the interval anywhere you want:  20 minutes, 30 minutes, etc.  If you're interested, check out the manual.  It will take a bit of time to set up and test.  We hope to use it on a long daily coming up the end of February.

Joyce Davis

How about if they delete the file from DB after they upload it into Eclipse?  That way, only unscoped work is in your DB folder.  When they're finished with a section, go to DB, copy the file to their computer (confirm it's there!) and delete it.  Seems like it would work (although I've never done it). 

I have all of my files backing up to DB while I'm writing.  I just checked the folder and it gives every file a time extension ...1014.ecl, ...1144.ecl, ...1314.ecl, so if you end up having multiple unscoped intervals in your folder, they'll be able to tell which one is the earliest in time.

I'm doing dailies on Monday and Tuesday.  Lucky me, they're not due until the next day so I don't have to worry about using more than one scopist.  yay!



Forget to mention Keith Vincent's excellent e-Tip #115 on the subject.  Here:  http://www.kvincent.com/Tip_115.pdf

Don't think he mentions it in this article, but you name your file on the Alt/t dialogue.  When Eclipse lops off an interval file, it uses the name you assign followed by the time the interval file was created (as Judy mentions below).

Joyce Davis

I think that's an excellent way to do it.  I did a daily the other day with two scopists and had to start a new file and point the network directory to the new scopist.  It would be easier to just tell them the times/file names to download.  And they'd all have access to the audio file.

Let me know how it works out.


Yeah, this is through V5 and using the Interval.  I've never done a "immediate delivery" before, so I'm not sure I'm going to bother with this the first time since I'm using so many scopists.  Seems like it may get too confusing.   I need to get comfortable doing these first before I do the DropBox thing.  I think I'm just going to exit out and send the job every break to a different scopist who then sends it to the proofer when done, who will send each section back to me when she's done proofing.

I'm not all that used to using a proofer either, so it's hard to relinquish control.  Sure hope she does a good job since I'm not going to be able to proof every word like I usually do.  Sort of stressful.  I think I like my dailies better.

The whole purpose of Division Interval is to give scopists the ability to snag files from the same source.  All you have to do, Kelli, is write.  Eclipse automates everything.

When I suggested that the scopist rename the file (filename)_(initials), it was for the purpose of making it obvious that a file has already been taken for scoping.  The next person in turn would grab a file without an extension, renaming it in Dropbox with her initials, copying it to Elipse, so on and so forth.

I do not recommend deleting those files from DB once a scopist has renamed and copied them.  By leaving the unscoped but renamed files in DB, you have a backup file system.  Should something go awry, you have all your original, unscoped files in DB properly named with scopist initials and times.  Consider, if you had a roadkill situation, you could reconstruct everything from the Dropbox folder.

To try DI the way it's suggested, you'd want to test it beforehand with your scopists.  You have to path your computer under the Programming\File locations\Modify area, insert one line at the bottom to path your files to DB. You're probably aware of that.

Your scopists have to go to the very same Programming\File locations\Modify area and add a new line at the bottom to path their computers to their Dropbox location, simple to do, a few steps.  What this does, it allows all your scopists to access the .wav file in the Dropbox share folder holding the audio.  They never have to copy the audio file to Eclipse.  Each time an interval file pops in, that audio file "grows" to include the new .ecl files' audio.

It's truly a slick feature and a "wow" thing for you because you do absolutely nothing extra once it's set up.

If this is not the time for you to try this, perhaps the next time will be right.  Once you've done it successfully, you'll see what a time saver it is for you.

Joyce Davis

Thanks, Joyce, for taking the time to explain all that.  I'm still confused about this "path" thing.  Not sure how they do that.  Great idea, though. 

I have it set up already and I've invited most of the scopists to that shared Dropbox folder.   How do the scopists "add a new line" as you say above?

I have to go out for a few hours.  I'll get back to you asap when I return...j

No worries.  Appreciate your help, Joyce.  My job isn't till Thursday.

I'm home Kelli.  Call me.  It's easier live.  I can walk you through it on your computer.  Then you'll know how to help the scopists.  Let's have Keith Vincent's e-Tip 115 on the screen.  Please call me...713/785-9564

Hi, Joyce

I just now saw this message.  Let me know when would be a good time to call you.  I know you're probably pretty busy, but email me at kellikellikay@aol.com with the best time to contact you, as I am not always on this website to see your messages.

I turned off all notifications when people respond within groups because I was just getting inundated with emails.  It got crazy.


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