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The audacity of any agency to roll back their rates to the '80s or '90s and expect to find reporters who will cover the work for some percentage of that lower figure. It's understood by normal people that the people who get the volume are the ones who take the hit. The working stiff reporter is certainly getting no benefit from the volume that these desperate agencies I suppose are getting due their profession-killing discounts. Reporters need to get a spine and learn what current-day rates are and say no to the BS of working for outdated rates.
Well said, Marge!!!
where is the "like" button! So true! The only one getting rich is the greedy firm, whether they be court reporters or not. I REFUSE to work less than I'm worth, and it has gotten so horrible in Michigan. Sometimes in order to compete these firms are charged $2.30 to $2.80 with deals they have made with insurance companies. And sometimes we are working here, and the out of state firms somehow get our work, we have to send them an ascii at our reg rate, but it's and orig and 4 and they only pay for orig and 2!! I refuse to honor that.
why should they make money off of my work product? But lots of the gals that work at the aforementioned firm, they only make money on volume, and were happy with being treated like a dime a dozen or they were dispensible.
What a horrendous state of affairs from every angle. It's sickening all around.
And this is what every reporter needs to remember, as you say, Kelley Nader: "I REFUSE to work less than I'm worth."
The sad problem is: Younger/inexperienced reporters don't know their worth, and untalented/unsavvy/desperate reporters are willing to take LOOOOOOOOOW rates, just to have any work at all.
Reporters need to: WAKE UP! RESPECT YOURSELF!
Excellent post, Kelley Nader!
"Get out there and hoof it, Lauren. Work in this environment that you created."
And that should happen to the other agencies who are purposely keeping rates low, back from the late '70s/'80s, that pay CENTS on a copy.
As Kelley Nader says: Get out there in the real world and hoof it, in the environment that you created!
As if many who set these low rates can do the job, even poorly. They are much better suited to pulling wool over eyes, wining, dining, gifting--but I loved that "hoof it" comment, too (lol).
As for reporters not getting paid what they are worth: some are worth exactly what they are being paid, even less; and for those, keep up the lousy work, as long as you're working for the lowballers. It's those reporters who are excellent, worrying about every comma, every spelling, every utterance, spending vast amounts of time on a transcript for peanuts, yes, those are the reporters that make you go hmmmm. >:(
Now back to this rush--for good money.
A play on Andrew Dice Clay, in reference to the hoof comment: Treat you like the animal you are.
LOL! You guys liked that, huh! :) I just heard that Lauren had to go out and buy a Diamante and start working to help cover deps, so that is where that came from. All hearsay, though. And to the comment you should take the dep and just do it on your own, she would only give you a dep that she can get "reports" back on how you behaved, and she would be calling you, and the attorney would probably pay her whatever we were to invoice. Lauren is no dummy when it comes to money in her pocket. We have so many horror stories, you would be shocked.
Kelley, what type of deps could she not receive a report? I'd think an owner could verify with any job, no?
That's why I don't eat lunch in the deposition suite!
Kelley, I'm on vacation at our cabin in northern Pennsylvania. Will be here for 2 weeks. I went to a Class of '75 fundraiser for a scholarship we give every year and met a classmate who turned out to be ... A LAWYER. And she lives near me in Washington DC! We chatted for a while, and she named the reporting agency her law firm uses, named a couple of people that made my skin crawl. I was polite with, "Oh really?" and "Yes, I know of them." When she asked me questions, I answered VERY firmly ... "And do you ever work for them, Mary Ann?" Me: "Never." And, "Have you ever worked for them?" Me: "NEVER!" Finally, she named the agency owner and I said, "Yes, I know her. Most reporters in the area do." Then stopped talking. She paused but a split-second before she said, "You don't like her, do you?" My simple answer: "No." I invited her to contact me and we'd have a little chat about that agency, their owner, and the devastation she's wreaked upon the reporting community here. Yes, some love her, but I say she's the devil. Oh, and you mentioned that this devious agency owner was a great salesperson. So is this one ... could sell ice to an Eskimo. Both lawyers and reporters are pulled in under her spell. She a line of bullshit she can serve up! Truth is, yes, she's well known in DC ... and despised. I could fully staff a reporting agency with schedulers, production, videographers and reporters that she's stabbed in the back and left lying along the side of the road. Indeed, the reputations of these agency owners should spread near and far, and I hope it does.
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