I'm having some issues with my playback sound on my Dell computer. I've always had a Dell because of the awesome service contract....next day to your home, and that is so important, but I thought, what a better place to start a discussion and take a survey on what kind of laptops people use and how they like them. It will help us all dramatically if we know what to buy the time time we need to get a new one.

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Very useful!! Thanks! Mine is an Inspiron 600 M
That is 'exactly' what the CR at my firm had! She had to download something after calling them....I will go email and ask her more details....
I've had no problems with Vista. I actually like it.
Yeah, it's probably like all things, the "first model" isn't the best, but once they get the kinks worked out, it good. I'm sure it's getting better and better as they work those kinks out =)
A CR at our firm just got a new Dell and had issues; called Dell and she had to download something, then she was fine....

I have the Dell Inspiron 8600 from Oct 2004-ish?? Still running. Did the 3yr plan and never used it.

I now have the Gemini Revolution and it comes with a Tablet, so this is my 'new' laptop, lol. I am excited to see how it does. I love the size and such! I can proof easily from it, but I just do my editing at home on my laptop. The Tablet is kind of small to edit on, w/out having my wireless keyboard hooked to it.

I have been using a Fujitsu for two and a half years now. LOVE IT!!! I have a Lifebook P7000. When it's time to replace I will only consider another Fujitsu. My model is small, which I love. It weighs a little over three pounds and fits in my purse. So on days when I am not taking a job but will have time to edit, I can carry it easily. The audio is fantastic as well. The very few times I have called support have been no problem to deal with either.
Good to know this! You need to post a pic of it, lol!
Ha ha! If I took a picture of it, you'd see my messy desk!
A pic out on a job then? ;) Phone camera? I will still want a laptop when my Dell goes...and plan to go local and I believe they deal with these. :)

You should see MY 'corner' of our couch area!! TV tray w/laptop; 2 hubs; Gemini2 on decorated boxes next to that; small book shelf behind and I have books, calculator, drink, wires, cords, et cetera; extension cords all over, but have a piece of black cloth hanging down from the TV tray to "cover" them, LOL. And my court reporting firm notebook on the floor in front of me and my machine bag in front of that. . . I think we should all post pictures of our work areas, LOL! Rho
Have you seen Jenny's picture of her corner? Mine doesn't look that good. LOL
OHMIGOD. It's soooooooo good to know I'm not the only unorganized, messy, pack rat infested court reporter out there LOL My husband just tells me.....what goes on in your office STAYS in your office......well, hum....it that's the case =)~

Just took this! LOL! Put it in my Pictures and labeled it.

Let's see some others! I was daring, lol!


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