I need help with my marker definition in Eclipse. Here's my problem: I used to have a Stentura and would hit the marker button when I heard a word I needed to ask how to spell later. My new Stylus doesn't have a marker button, so I'm typing SPEL/SPEL. But from within Eclipse I want to be able to search for a flag stroke by hitting V, then F like I used to. Any ideas?
Go to user settings, input tab. In the lower half under the word specialty mark there is a button called "Automark." If you click on that button, you can define any stroke as your "mark" stroke.
Once you have decided which stroke you want to be your mark stroke, then under "Automark" is a little fil-in box, and you can type anything you want in there. So when you hit your stroke for mark a spot, what words you want will show up in your transcript.
I hope that all makes sense and is what you are looking for.
I got lost when at "what words you want will show up in your transcript." I'm easily cornfused.
So here's what I type when I need to check a spelling: SPEL/SPEL.
Here's how it's defined in my dictionary: {M:CheckSpelling}
It puts in an invisible comment that says Co: checkspelling.
That works fine, really. All I have to do is search for "checkspelling" in the transcript. But it'd be easier to hit V then F to search for a flag stroke like I used to with my Stentura. The Automark in Input in User Settings is defined as , and below that it says Display: {NULL}. I don't know what that means. But should I hit the Automark button and enter SPEL/SPEL? Then will that allow me to search for my flag strokes with V/F? Or should I change my SPEL/SPEL definition in my dictionary to ?
So I've fixed my problem (above). I changed my Automark in the Input tab in User Settings to the stroke I now use to remind myself to get a spelling. I've set the Automark stroke to SP*EL, and the Display is {NULL}. Now I can do a down scan and search for the flag strokes, so all I have to do is hit V, then F to search for spellings -- or R, then F to go backwards.
Allison, I have some settings in a wordpad document. Oh, here, I'll just attach them here. You need to input them individually. There are three different settings in the first attachment, so you can choose which is best for you. You do have to fuss with the margins and such, but I've attached my .set file too, which includes all that stuff. Any margin tweaking you need to do should be minimal.
No problem, Allison. Sometimes I think I've spent more time working on that and the auto indexing than even dictionary building! (Okay, slight exaggeration.)
Does anyone know how to set up that little macro thingy in Eclipse where it'll type in a word for you if you type in just a couple/few letters? Know what I mean? Say I want to type "United States of America," but I don't want to handtype it in every time. How do I create that macro (or whatever it's called) where I can type in UST or something and have "United States of America" typed in automatically for me? Am I making any sense?
It's not a macro. I think you're talking about the autoreplacement feature.
User settings
programming tab
Autoreplacements (first item in list)
modify (bottom right-hand corner
add button
type in your autoreplacement.
But be careful. Sometimes I'll type wherever, but it will autoreplace it to whenever or something odd.
How should my final -Z be defined to get it to add an "es" when needed instead of just an "s"?
For example, "Rolodexs" came up instead of "Rolodexes." My -Z is defined as {^s}. Should it be a conflict {\^s\^es}?
No, don't do that. I think you need to have something in your Prefix and suffix definitions that es follows x. Rolodex isn't a word that E probably knows to do that to, but if it does it with other x words, it should have with that one.
I don't see it in mine.
Are you going to or did you take that Webinar tht Keith put on last week that was covering the Programming tab? I'm going to watch the recorded version. That may cover this sort of thing.
In the meantime, I'd post this on CRF for Keith to see and Eclipse site for support to see. This is one of those more advanced things, since it involves that Programming tab, and Keith is the go-to guy for that!
Marla, look in your Suffix spelling rules under the Programming tab. Should have this entry:
I think that's what adds the e. Now, it could be just that Rolodex is not a recognized word. Do you get boxes when you add Z to box? That would be the test, I'd think.
That string is definitely in my programming tab. I hooked up my machine and tried boxes, axes, suffixes, and jinxes, and those all got an "es." It just won't seem to do it with Rolodexes. Strange. I'll post it on CompuServe, see if Keith can help. Thanks for trying, Brenda. And if you learn any good stuff from the webinar, share with us, will ya? :)