Hi All ~
Is there something I can check or do in my number tab to get this to translate correctly??

three point eight million dollars ~ translates to three.$8 million

Or do I just need to try and stroke "dollars" first, which I'm afraid I'll never remember;)


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Hey Stacy
You don't need to type the dollars first. Do you use the number bar? Do you have trouble with all numbers or just when you put in "point"?
Hi Lori (will I see you next weekend in Newport??:)

No, I don't use the number bar. And it's usually only when I write point (POI) I sometimes have problems w/ Exhibit, Page, Line etc. It doesn't always turn the number into a numeral, and I even have the number cue globalled in w/ those words!?! I was thinking I need to have two ways to write 1-10 (one for written out and one for the number) Would that help?
No I never use my number bar. I could probably help you over the phone. I'm working today but I don't think it will go too late. Give me a call if you want. It would be even better if we could meet up somewhere 925.330.2149
Are you using number conversion? I do.

Under numeric classes, when I check currency, I have write out - no values, at start - no values, clarify - million+.

I only have checked "force separators in currency" and "glue numbers."

I write the decimal point as PEUPBT and the definition is {DECIMAL}
million - PHEUL/KWRUPB/ or PH*EUL is just defined as the word million
million dollars is PL*DZ = million dollars
dollars - DOLS = dollars
dollar - DOL = dollar

So when I stroke THRE/PEUPBT/AEU/PH*EUL/DOL - $3.8 million
THRE/PEUPBT/AEU/PH*DZ - $3.8 million
Thanks, Jenny.
You know I had check "process and as number" and my POI (point) was defined as {^}.{^} back from years ago ~ I'm guessing that could be the problem!! I'm changing it right now to decimal.
Have a great weekend!

My numbers are never coming out correctly. If I want $3,000 to come out in numbers, it comes out in written form. If I check the "force separators in currency" and "glue numbers", will that work?

Also, when I want the word point written out the, the point symbol comes out. I tried to redefine this in my dictionary, and it is not working. Any suggestions?

Thank you,

Under User Settings/Numbers look down to numeric classes and put a check on Currency. Do you have Write Out - No values; At Start - No values; Clarify - Million+??? If not, try that. If you want your numbers written out at the beginning of the sentence, under At Start, click in the dropdown box and make your selection.

Regarding the word point being written out, are you writing a decimal point with a different stroke from the word point? I write the decimal point as PEUPBT and the definition is {DECIMAL} but the word point remains POEUPBT, and the definition is {point}. I don't know why it's in curly brackets, but it works.

In the metadictionary, I have this: point={/"%/?VDP} To find it, click on Find and type the word point. If it's not there, copy it here and paste it in.

If this doesn't help, please post again. Maybe someone else knows what's going wrong.


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