
Elan Mira Users

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Latest Activity: Aug 27, 2022

Discussion Forum

Trouble reading Mira SD card into Eclipse

Hi, I'm using the student version of Eclipse and am wondering if there's a way to take the SD card out of my Mira and read it into Eclipse. I've switched my "read from" to the drive where the card is…Continue

Tags: SDcard, Eclipse, Mira

Started by LizBeth Dec 21, 2009.

Mira Screen died! 5 Replies

Has anyone else had this problem? In the middle of a realtime job the screen died, the connection still held and the realtime still appeared on the laptop, but my Mira screen is just dead. Any ideas…Continue

Started by Michelle. Last reply by Ryan Dec 12, 2009.

Archiving SD cards 2 Replies

Does anyone have any good ideas for archiving SD cards? They're fairly cost-effective, so I tend to just hold on to them. But they're so small that I haven't figured out a decent way to identify…Continue

Tags: cards, SD, Archiving

Started by Susan A. Zielie, RMR, FCRR. Last reply by Susan A. Zielie, RMR, FCRR Oct 16, 2009.

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Comment by Tami on December 9, 2008 at 13:09
I sent my Lightspeed back two weeks ago. Guess I should be thankful stacking is my only complaint on my G2 Mira.
Comment by Susan Crivello on December 9, 2008 at 12:19
All you A3 users, does it stack or not!
Comment by Debbie Taggart on December 9, 2008 at 10:52
Thank you all for confirming that I'm not losing my mind -- let alone my hands. I'm glad I posted here because I was going to start the routine with Stenograph and my service person. Sounds like this is as good as it gets. I'd like to hold out for a Passport, but don't know how realistic that is at this point.
Comment by Tami on December 9, 2008 at 10:38
Would love to have reporters join the group who are writing on the A3. I have heard about reporters who love it.

My question is: Does it stack?? (not counting human error)
Comment by Tami on December 8, 2008 at 15:37
No, not Gary Sonntag.

Did you know he passed away a while back??? Had a massive heart attack at a Midyear conference. What a loss to our industry!!

I just sent my Lightspeed back. Hopefully they will get all their problems ironed out and I'll get another one, but I just wasn't up to being one of their Beta testers. :)

Clay has my Smartwriter now, so that's what he did the five errors on. Yes, it never fails! Maybe I should consider using it next contest. It's a slightly deeper stroke than the Mira, but that's probably something for me to consider.

I always have to wait to see how my hands are doing whent he time comes, so we'll see if I make it to D.C. I sure want to go.
Comment by Sheila Detwiler on December 8, 2008 at 15:22

I think you are talking about Gary Sonntag. He's a great guy. I saved my old Smart Writer just in case I ever need to do captioning in the future. I have sentimental attachment to that machine. I did all my competitions on it, and it never failed me.

I don't know what the touch on the Sylus is like. Karen Heggi has one of the Stenovations {?} writer where it looks like a laptop. She puts it on her lap and writes. You barely touch the keys. You can also put it on a stand. I like attaching the external keyboard to my Elan Mira and editing while I'm on the job.
Comment by Susan Crivello on December 7, 2008 at 10:20
I guess the stacking issues have not been solved.

Comment by Tami on December 6, 2008 at 21:18
Too funny, Sheila. I posted on your page an hour ago about my stacking Mira of Murrieta, and then I read your post here and now know you feel the same way. You're going to love the story I posted over there about Gary! Guess it won't shock you a bit.

I, too, had one of the first models you are talking about, and it was a complete lemon. Think Trina has one, too.

Mine was sooo bad. When the asterisk started registering eight times with a single depression -- erasing the last eight words and not having them register to notes because of Procat's software features at the time -- it put me to tears.

Yes, I could get the missing strokes by retran'g, but that wasn't very helpful when you're in trial writing RT to a judge and needing to be able to readback on a moment's notice. Well, he did all the reading back, but it still needed to be there!)

So, anyway, after numerous attempts at loaners and fixing the situation, a V.P. from Stenograph sent me a new machine. My new one worked so much better, but still had the same issues you talked about, but not nearly to the degree of the first writer.

I think Trina's Mira is in her closet collecting dust. Think she's pretty happy on her new Stylus, so that's why I've been seriously considering the purchase. I, too, feel the writer costs me on the contests.

I talked to a reporter about the brand new Mira model at work, and she says hers still stacks. She uses a very deep stroke, too. I've never been able to write on my Mira using the shallowest stroke. It goes stacking crazy if I do.

So I, too, would love a solution, but I'm not sure there's one out there, especially for reporters who can kick it up a notch -- like you!!
Comment by Sheila Detwiler on December 6, 2008 at 10:18
I have one of the original Elan Miras, the kind where the screen doesn't flip up. I absolutely love the touch, but ever since I have had it I have had stacking, doubling, and splitting problems. I have constantly adjusted it. I have worked with Stenograph on the phone to adjust it. I've taken it to a shop and had it adjusted. Nothing every cures the problem. My RT is not as accurate as it used to be with my old Stentura 6000 and Smart Writer models. I was frustrated for years but now I just accept the fact it won't stop messing up. I used to compete in RT contests prior to using my Elan Mira but now I don't dare. I'm hoping someone out there has a solution.
Comment by Tami on December 4, 2008 at 17:32
Guess a better word is dribbling. It drags a letter to the next line, sometimes in the middle of a two-stroke word. Yes, I do two stroke words on occasion. :)

(So of course all that dribbling is causing my RT to not be up to par, which really pisses me off.)
It's getting worse, so I just think it needs a trip to the shop.

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