Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC's Comments

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At 18:47 on February 24, 2008, Rhoda Collins said…
Jenny, no...have her email me. I check a few times a day...

I have not had any problems. What happened?
At 21:22 on February 23, 2008, Brenda Rogers said…
POO!! Totally not fair!
At 20:35 on February 23, 2008, Brenda Rogers said…
Now you're talkin! ICE CREAM!
At 19:45 on February 23, 2008, Katy Cuellar said…
It's not really the house when you live in a location like yours or mine. It's all about the land. And they say fixer-uppers sell faster because people love to know they're getting a bargain, plus they're obsessed with fixing-up, so some of them want a big challenge. My cousin just spent $700,000 remodeling her house, which I think she could have just as well torn down and completely rebuilt for that price. When you live back east or the mid-west where the land is cheap, the condition of the house is very important.
At 12:26 on February 23, 2008, Brenda Rogers said…
That is SO funny!
At 11:37 on February 23, 2008, Katy Cuellar said…
The art of vegetation begins with a collection of small crunchy foods that aren't good for you, you will next need a dark-colored Scotch-guarded sofa of sufficient length pointed directly at the TV set. You then load your animals in and click your remote to an old B movie, preferably from the 60's or 70's. Nirvana :)
At 21:12 on February 22, 2008, Tami said…
Repeat after me . . .


Doesn't shock me. I know you're extremely talented.
At 20:40 on February 22, 2008, Tami said…
Hi, Jenny!

I know you didn't ask me, but since you asked Brenda . . .
I'm off this weekend. Even though I'm WAY busy at work, I've been refusing to take work home. I've lasted almost two months now. Hope I can stay strong!

Got eight 15- and 16-year-old boys here tonight playing poker. OMG, they're a riot!! Got the sunglasses and listening to tunes on the iPod stereo system. They're drinking cans of Mountain Dew and root beer in one gulp.
Too much fun!

They all just got finished singing (yelling) Hotel California. Made me laugh my head off.

Most of them are my son's teammates -- mostly football and one other wrestler. My son does both. Such a great group of boys. Feelin' lucky tonight!

Hope you have a great weekend! Don't work too hard.
At 19:11 on February 22, 2008, Katy Cuellar said…
Thanks Jenny. I'll try to decorate my page soon. I'm going to vegetate for a while now, but this should be fun!
At 16:54 on February 22, 2008, Katy Cuellar said…
Jenny, I went to the Academy of Stenographic Arts in San Francisco.

I don't know how to talk on here except in these comment boxes. Is this the way it goes here?
At 14:58 on February 21, 2008, Shawn said…
Hi, Jenny! Well, I'm holding off on the Revolution as well! I almost ordered it the other day, but didn't feel comfortable enough yet to make that call. I can't believe how many complaints are out floating around re: the old Gemini machines on different forums. Then the company ends up sounding like they're not willing to work with their customers. I don't know??? On the other hand, I get the opposite vibe from Stenovations. Go the extra mile. I think you had commented to Rhoda your read our discussion, so you probably know all about my experience with the LS. I made it go away last Friday. Sometimes you just know. I was definitely less fatigued on it than my Cybra, I'll say that, but my tran rate is great on the Elan. You would think there's going to be a glut of Miras available once the Passport comes out. Maybe that's just my theory. I know I would love the Passport, but just won't spend that kind of $. I stay back a ways from the front lines, I guess. Bottom line is: Rhoda is the only reporter I know of that's actually on the Revolution and has provided any feedback on any forum on the planet (until proven wrong) and she loved her G2, which many despised. Well sorry to get so windy about it all! That's the risk you run when you're chatting with me.

You do look busy from the looks of that desk! How are the depos going in N. Cal.? Congrats, on the CRR. And I must say, you're on the best software.
At 14:04 on February 20, 2008, Dina Flotte said…
Do you remember Ken Bargis or Terry Macarthy? Where are you working?
At 7:18 on February 19, 2008, Jessica K. Belcher said…
That's a good idea, Jenny. I will do that!
At 11:21 on February 18, 2008, Sherry Glascock said…
Hi Jenny,
I saw your name on a forum on Yahoogroups with the connection to CSRnation, so I read the comments and, of course, saw your picture. Now I am able to place a face to the name. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture up, so I am still little grey person to you.

At 17:20 on February 17, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
good lord, your desk picture is awesome!
At 16:23 on February 17, 2008, Rhoda Collins said…
LOL! I am usually just coffee for breakfast, unless going out on a job....I stop at MickeyD's and get their large lattee and an egg McMuffin meal, lol. Holds me thru ANY depo w/out a lunch! :) Never did Chinese for lunch. Once after track practice in high school we made beer floats, LOL! Yuck!
At 16:03 on February 17, 2008, Rhoda Collins said…
I just had dinner, but DH made it, lol. I found THE best Creme Brulee lattee down the street from me at a local coffee shop!! I am trying to do only one a week. I figure I don't smoke, so that is like a pack a week? LOL!
At 14:40 on February 17, 2008, Rhoda Collins said…
I have some NCRA 225 stuff...will get them out this week, but I have two rush'ish transcripts to get done also....remind me by Thurs and see if I got to it?? I have the Testimony Accelerators also.
At 11:14 on February 17, 2008, Rhoda Collins said…
Hi Jenny,
I can't fathom trying RMR tapes, LOL! I am still a new reporter, mind you! Hey, maybe call Gemini and talk with Jason and see if he can put you in contact w/a CR in CA?? I know he went to San Fran a few months ago for a demo. I'm not sure if I 'could' give 'you' a fair take on stacking, as it is a 'personal' thing on how we write?? I would rather see you try to test one?? Just let Jason know I suggested it, and maybe he can come up with someone...I know there are some out in CA...and let me know what happens!

I am not focusing on weddings...pressure, Brides, hurry, etc....I like the portraits best. Sr pics are a blast!!! I will do weddings on request, but they are usually fun as I will then know them fairly well. Is more relaxed then, it seems.

At 23:12 on February 14, 2008, Brenda Rogers said…
Pretty page, Jenny! :)

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