Hello! I have started a new group called Scopists/Former Court Reporters in an effort to help court reporters who might be looking for a scopist with a reporting background find them easier.

If you are a scopist and were a once a reporter, please feel free to join and advertise your services in this group. Thanks!

Sabrina Schneider
S.O.S. Scoping Services

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Hi, Sabrina. I was a court reporter for four-plus years, and now I scope on a part-time basis in addition to a job with the courts as an admin assistant.

I look forward to reading the posts in this group and meeting other scopists that are former reporters. :)

Hey, Tara,

Welcome, welcome! Sounds like you're pretty well-rounded, having been a reporter, now a scopist AND working in the court system. There really seems to be a lot of us former reporters turned scopists out there! Glad you joined us here.

Sabrina Schneider
S.O.S. Scoping Services
Hi, Sabrina. I hope your weekend is going well. :) I look forward to more discussions in this group. :)

Hi, I'm here. :-) Was a reporter for 15+ years, started out freelancing and then the rest as an official. Left the machine during a difficult pregnancy, and stayed home to scope and be with the kids.

Have been just this past week taking the machine out to work for the first time in over a decade ... I'm overseas at the moment and the reporting work here, well, it's few & far between, but apparently this month it's busy, so the local ladies called me up to cover some of it. Not so simple ... I'm behind the times technology-wise. Am finding that out the hard way. Sigh.

Better for my stress levels to just scope, I think. LOL

I have been out of the reporting field for three years, and I just cannot imagine stepping back into it, especially overseas where things are probably done a little differently. My hat's off to you! It's definitely a different world as a scopist. At the moment, my stress level is rising because of having a lot of work, but that's a good thing. :)

Good luck to you!

Sabrina Schneider
S.O.S. Scoping Services
Hi, Everyone!

I too am a former Federal Court Reporter turned scopist. I got carpal tunnel years ago and had to quit. Funny thing is, the machine caused me no end of problems, but the computer keyboard is no hassle whatsoever.

This'll be a fun group to be part of!
Welcome, welcome, Rebecca!

Thankfully, I never got carpal tunnel, but I sure did lots of workers' comp jobs dealing with it. It can sure be career-ending for a reporter, as you well know.

Look under the heading Community and then choose Groups, and I think on the second or third page you'll see the actual Scopists/Former Court Reporters group. Click on that and join up!

Sabrina Schneider
S.O.S. Scoping Services
Oh, thanks!
Hi Sabrina, I'm a realtime reporter in the field for 20+ years. Currently see there is more demand for scopists
in some areas. I am open to scoping in StenoCat32. If you know anyone looking for a seasoned scopist for the software or willing to train me on a new software they can contact me at elise.reporter@comcast.net.
Hi. My name is Marla, and quite a while ago I was a reporter. Since then I have been a transcriber, proofreader and scopist. I majored in English in college, completed court reporting school, took classes in medical and legal terminology and the web. I have caseCATalyst and Eclipse software. I have been in this field for 35 years. I have excellent references and a very good work ethic. My prices are reasonable and my turnaround time three to five days. My email address is mbresnehan@aol.com and my phone number is 954 963-6009. Thank you.

Contact: Denise Graham, CSR# 7897

R.A.R.E. Reporting Services
~Reliable Assistance for Reporting Excellence~ 
Email: denisegraham7897@verizon.net 

Case Catalyst scopist/proofreader since 2005. Eight years' reporting experience in court and freelancing.

Scoping/proofreading/reporting experience in accident reconstruction, arbitration, business litigation, civil litigation, court trials, family law, law and motion, medical expert testimony, preliminary hearings and probate and Workers' Compensation. References upon request.


Hi Sabrina -- I was a court reporter for ten years in Nevada and California.  I developed carpal tunnel and became an interior designer.  I would like to get into scoping and I'm in the process of trying to decide what software to buy.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  This sounds like a great group!  I look forward to reading all the posts. Thanks!  Mary Holliday 


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