Hi all ~ Happy almost 2009!!

Does anyone know the macro that I can assign to an editing key that makes the butting in put the dashes on the sentence you're on and the next Q or A? Right now it puts it at the beginning of the one I'm on and end of the previous. I'm sure there's an easy one to pick, but I'm being lazy right now, and I honestly don't always understand all my macros choices when I do look through them ~ that's my New Year's resolution ~ to really learn Eclipse ~ this wonderful software that I've been on since 1994 and still have probably only touched the surface ~ sigh!!

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Are you using hyperkeys? Shift-B. I don't know that there is anything for standard keys.

I'm like you. I've been on Eclipse for at least 10 yrs, and just in the past year have begun to see what it can *really* do! And I thought it did a lot as it was.

If you click on the Help up on the top line (not the ? icon) and then Eclipse documentation, there is a chart with all the hyperkeys. You can print that out, or just have it open on your computer for reference.
Yeah, I'm in hyperkeys and I've assigned my "B" to be the shift-B function. So when I hit "B," it puts the dashes at the beginning of the, say, Q I'm on and at the end of the previous Q. But you know how you're reading and you know the Q you're on is dashed and then continued after the interruption? So I want to be able to hit a key to do that instead of having to do alt-D to put ones at the end and then putting dashes in at the beginning of the next one ~ am I making sense? Basically I want to jump the dashes forward instead of back (I actually want both options to be a single key stroke ~ do you think I'm asking for too much ;))

I guess it would be much easier if I remembered to put all my punctuation in as I'm taking a job ~ another resolution!
Maybe Ang has an idea. She's the maker-upper. I just go down to the second in the group and do it from there. If I'm understanding correctly. For instance:

Q Where did you grow
A Portland.
Q up?

So instead of going to the second Q, you want to execute it at the first? I just go to the second, hit Shift-B and it comes out

Q Where did you grow --
A Portland.
Q -- up?

Or are you talking about something else?
Nope, you're exactly right. I do the same right now ~ go to the second Q and just hit B. But something for the first would be great. There are so many times I hit the B on the first and not Alt-D and then I have to correct it so it ends up being more keystrokes.

Thanks, Brenda, for clarifying for me ~ I appreciate it :-))
I agree, it would be good -- do it while you're on the first problem. Maybe suggest it on Eclipse's site, or CRF. See if you can get Keith out of hiding! ;)
Yeah, now that you mention it, I can't get on the CRF to post. I can browse and do do that. I used to have Compuserve and had an account. When I try and log in, it asks me for my aol or compuserve account. Since I don't have it, I have never tried to re-sign up. Is it easy to do? I'm sorry I'm so forum illiterate, but thank you for always answering my questions ;))
I'll email you, Stacy.


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