If you have made a resolution to be a more efficient Eclipse user in 2009, the best way to make that happen is to get a tutor. Here's the good news: Eclipse already comes with the 4thTutor; lessons and visualizers specifically geared to teach us how to use Eclipse. To start off, get into Eclipse, click on help/Visualizer topics, then click on B - How to Use the Efficient Editing Tutorial, which is two minutes and 22 seconds long. Just follow the easy directions and start learning. You can pick and choose which lessons you need help with. If you are not using hyperkeys, but you are feeling some pressure from those who do, this is the easiest and quickest way to learn them. If you think there is probably an easier way to do something in Eclipse, you are probably right. Let the 4thTutor train you at your own pace. By investing a little bit of time - and no more money - you can learn how to greatly reduce the time you are spending now in front of your computer. Give the 4thTutor a try, and let me know how it's working for you. I'll make sure Keith Vincent gets a paste of any feedback.