I know. I know. It's the 21st century and I should be looking up everything online. But there are certain words that I just can't remember, like X ray, X-ray, and x-ray so I always go to my trusty dictionary and look it up. Actually, I've marked the spot.
I suppose I could look it up online. And I'm sure the answer would be right. But once in a while, what's on the Internet sometimes isn't right. (I know. Fancy that.)
I also like having a dictionary that I can just go and…
Added by Kyung on January 13, 2009 at 15:23 —
Well, you know, you have those days when the attorney is a motor mouth. When things are just flying. (Yes, I did tell him to slow down. Another one of those attorneys who can't help themselves.) On those days, I go home feeling quite beat down. It's a hard job. You just hate going back over the job bec. you know you'll have to fix so many untranslates.
Well, one way to look at it is you're dictionary building. This is your chance to add another hundred words to your dictionary. This…
Added by Kyung on January 11, 2009 at 15:44 —
1 Comment
I got stuck at 180 and the only thing that got me through was going to court and sitting in for a week or two and just trying as hard as I could to keep up. Then I passed my 180's.
Added by Deborah Holden on January 11, 2009 at 12:52 —
So I'm taking this depo. And the term "make it rain" comes up.
Do you know what it means?
Added by Kyung on January 9, 2009 at 15:08 —
Wall Street Journal
Just a little article w/a quote from our own Marge Teilhaber (TILE hobber).
Added by Kyung on January 9, 2009 at 6:30 —
Hi everyone,
I am a student in 200 words per minute and I am stuck. I need any tips available to help me get over the slump! Thanks a lot.
Added by Brigette M Goodman on January 8, 2009 at 18:30 —
I am looking for an experienced DigitalCAT scopist for a medium to heavy workload. Please contact me with information about your rates and turnaround times. Thanks!
Added by Elizabeth A. Willis-Lewis on January 8, 2009 at 8:58 —
No Comments
Looking for a smart reliable and perfectionistic scopist who goes the extra mile in getting the work done on time. Please contact me ASAP.
Added by anita t. shemin on January 7, 2009 at 11:29 —
Hey Everybody, thanks for all the feedback. I guess I will enjoy my time without feeling guilty!!
Happy New Year
Added by Kari Lacher on January 6, 2009 at 18:27 —
No Comments
Hi everyone. I'm not getting any more emails for covering depos. Do I need to reregister with the new year? Anybody know??
Added by Kari Lacher on January 6, 2009 at 15:30 —
after instant rebate
after mail-in rebate
after minimum purchase
sales tax not included.
How is that free? Why am I paying sales tax for an item that I supposedly am getting for free? No money is changing hands here, why do I have to pay sales tax? Am I paying sale tax on the discounted price? What's going on?
Added by Kyung on January 6, 2009 at 9:47 —
So today wa a fun day in federal court. We had regular motions in one courtroom. In the next courtroom, we had readback for the F-13 trial.
So court starts at 8 a.m. We start a little late. We do a couple of motions. Judge asks if parties are here for motions set at 8:30. No. Recess.
8:30 start. Of course, for some reason, 3/4th of the attorneys decide to show up at 8:31 a.m. So as the judge is calling all the cases, the attorneys are coming and I have no freakin' idea who…
Added by Kyung on January 5, 2009 at 20:30 —
So it's more interesting for me to read the newspaper these days bec. oftentimes I see a newspaper story about a case that is being tried in a courtroom that I am working in. These are by no means "high profile", but it's always interesting to get some of the back story of a case.
As you know, a lot of reporters only get to hear small portions of cases. So it's exciting to learn some of the circumstances surrounding a case that you're working on. And it's also interesting bec. I…
Added by Kyung on January 4, 2009 at 21:54 —
Probably not the best filing system. But, hey, at least you have receipts.
Here's a secret. The tax person doesn't really want to see your receipts. Mostly they want to know that you have them. But really, they don't want to see you coming through their door w/ a plastic bag of random receipts.
Basically, they'll sit you down and ask questions. So you should spend some time preparing before your interview w/the tax person.
Documents the tax person will want bec.…
Added by Kyung on January 4, 2009 at 21:08 —
There's lots of discussions on here about backing up your data. And I know you're always wondering what's a good website. There's also a thread about Carbonite.
Well, here's your chance to start your new year off right and back up everything so you won't lose anything. And they're having a sale.
Usually it's $49.95/year. Two-year subscription is $89.95. Three years is $134.95,
But right now you can sign up and get 15% off. That's a deal. So $42.45 for one year,…
Added by Kyung on January 4, 2009 at 10:07 —
Hello all,
I just wanted to let everyone know that our twins, Madeline Margaret Lewis and Jackson William Lewis arrived December 15, 2008. Everyone is home and healthy and happy. I would like to express my thanks to everyone for their advice and well wishes. Happy New Year! Beth
Added by Elizabeth A. Willis-Lewis on January 3, 2009 at 20:11 —
I don't know about anybody else, but I have BIG plans for 2009. My New Years Resolution is to simplify my life. I've finally gotten there in my life where I realize I don't really need "everything"? I have a wonderful family, a great job and a beautiful home. This year I plan on spending a lot of time with my family, enhancing my court reporting skills and cleaning out my beautiful home -- yes, cleaning out my beautiful home that's full of so much stuff and things we can't even move around in…
Added by Angie on January 2, 2009 at 17:23 —
Added by norma hadland on January 1, 2009 at 9:25 —