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Writing to Word 2 Replies

Started by Peggy Feyche. Last reply by Peggy Feyche Nov 27, 2018.

Indexing- methods for doing it -

Started by D Sanders, RDR, CRR Oct 7, 2016.

update area for dictionary 2 Replies

Started by Carrie Dio. Last reply by Lindsay Pinkham May 9, 2016.

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Comment by Christine Kirley on June 3, 2009 at 21:21
Thanks for your response. Am I uderstanding you correctly; do I delete defined numbers even for 1-100? Or delete just the numbers that are higher numbers?
And I have CaseCat version 10.04. I will check out the tutorial you suggested. Thanks.

The settings I have checked for real time are : squish defined numbers, automatic number conversion, and display 10 and under as words.

I really appreciate both of you taking time to respond to this issue. I have been wanting to resolve this for soooo long but not knowing how to go about it. Thanks a ton!!!
Comment by Anthony D. Frisolone on June 3, 2009 at 19:56
Christine, first of all the only things you should have in your dictionary are words for hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion. Then, get rid of any defined number e.g. 5/HUPB = 500. And any numbers written via the keyboard should be numbers or words and none of them should be defined as conflicts. Now, to write a larde numbe such as $5,245 it should look like five/thou/two/hun/for/teu/faoeufrb/dlars. It's a lot of writing out, but your numbers will look fantastic. Finally, on your Case CATAlyst 9/10 CD you'll find the number conversion self-study guide which is a huge eye opener and will help you straighten out your number situation. If you can't find it, tell me what version you're on and I'll send it out to you via email.
Comment by Christine Kirley on June 3, 2009 at 10:17
Looking for some help with translation of numbers -- and I am certain
the CaseCat trainers will have some sage advice in this area. How can I cause numbers to tran correctly? I do not use the number bar. All written out. I have just been fixing all mistrans when editing (a huge waste of time, I know) but with LiveNote jobs that is not an option.

When writing large numbers, if the exact stroke is not in my dictionary it will tran like this: $5,002405 for $5,245. I have heard I should remove all numbers above 99. Is this the fix? If so, do I need to stoke an even number, i.e., $5,000, differently than when it is used in a number such as $5,245?

Any help from those of you who have mastered your numbers would be GREATLY appreciated.
Comment by Karl Immel on June 2, 2009 at 3:51
Hello, I'm brand new to this site and am not even close to being a court reporter, but I do enjoy my scoping business and if I can be of assistance to anyone, as far as editing, please let me know. Can't say I'll have the answer, but I will try to help. Besides, I'll probably need some help sometime, too.
Comment by Shirley Riga on May 26, 2009 at 14:52
I've been watching the postings while I've been out of state and now that I'm back in CA, here's what I have to share. I used to be a Cast Cat trainer back in Massachusetts about three years ago, and I stopped training on Version 7. Melissa, if you want to share your email with me, I am willing to problem solve with you the timestamps, as I taught court reporters all this about 3 years ago, and I'm willing to brainstorm with you. Then if we get it right, you can post the solution on CSRnation. How about that? I'll be watching CSRnation for your reply.
Comment by Rosalie DeLeonardis on May 25, 2009 at 13:37
Melissa, I've had to upload my notes from my machine, and if I remember correctly, it will not upload your actual timestamp. I think what you have to do is turn on your timestamps in your job and then set the time when you started your job. Hopefully somebody else will have more knowledge about this.
Comment by Michels Court Reporters on May 19, 2009 at 12:24
We just updated Catalyst after a long, long time of not using it...and let me just say, "what support???" (deep sigh)

If there's anyone in the So. Cal. area that can help us a little, can you give us a call at 818.346.1808. Thanks very much!!!
Comment by Anthony D. Frisolone on April 25, 2009 at 6:40
Welcom to our new members of the Case CATalyst forum.
Comment by Christine Kirley on April 24, 2009 at 16:59
Welcome, Holly. Yes, the Brief It feature is nice. I have used it a lot on jobs, and it's a stroke-saver for sure.
Comment by Holly on April 24, 2009 at 16:39
Hi. Just joined the group and looking forward to learning from your collective wisdom. I loaded version 10.03 a week or two ago. The handout is a little thick but I'll look it over this weekend. I have to say the Brief It feature is nice.

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