Comma conundrums & other punctuation perplexities


Comma conundrums & other punctuation perplexities

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Below are permanent links to some major discussions on punctuation. If you don't find a discussion that applies to your question, start your own.

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Punctuation with objections 5 Replies

Started by Jennifer L. Terreri. Last reply by Jennifer L. Terreri May 23, 2017.

Commas 11 Replies

Started by Marla Sharp. Last reply by Chris Jan 21, 2017.

Writing out shortened/abbreviated numbers 2 Replies

Started by gemini35. Last reply by gemini35 Mar 17, 2016.

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Comment by Tami on January 12, 2009 at 13:04
Oh, and I'm with you, Brenda. I use the comma there, but of course I still use a comma before "too." :)

I went to Ms. Well's class at the CCRA convention in Oct. Some things are so ingrained, it's just very difficult to change them. The semicolon there is jarring to my eyes, too.
Comment by Tami on January 12, 2009 at 13:01
So I have it on "stop following," and I keep getting all the notifications that somebody has posted.

It makes it where I don't even like checking my email.

Any suggestions?
Comment by Brenda Rogers on January 12, 2009 at 12:53
I understood that, Kathy. So Ms. Wells feels that that is the way to do it; the punctuation book I learned from feels the comma is correct. I think in this case, you choose your "expert" and go from there. I think this is an opinion question that people have to choose for themselves.
Comment by kathy - iamwrdsmth on January 12, 2009 at 12:37
sorry, I answered your question unclearly.
whether or not it has "is that" in front of "correct, right, or true"
doesn't matter. "correct" is short for "is that correct" and Ms. Wells
applies the same rule - use a semi colon
Comment by kathy - iamwrdsmth on January 12, 2009 at 12:36
But I was thinking that the reason we put a semicolon is because it's an independent clause (has a subject and a verb). If you take out "is that," then it's no longer an independent clause, whether it's implied or not. Did she talk about that in her seminar?

you are exactly correct, Marla,
it is an independent clause that 'restates' the question, that's
the reason for the semi colon. no comma here. and as for
paragraphing? well, i guess you had to be there; right?
Comment by Phil Stillerman on January 11, 2009 at 13:38
I generally use a comma just prior to "right?" "correct? "is that right?" and "is that correct?" but if there is a pause, I'll paragraph and make a new sentence for "Is that right?" etc.
Comment by Brenda Rogers on January 11, 2009 at 11:40
I use a comma before right and correct. I've seen others use a semi, and it's jarring to my eye. I'll continue to use a comma.
Comment by Marla Sharp on January 11, 2009 at 8:56
I've been thinking about that, putting a semicolon before "right," "correct," and "true." I was taught to use a semicolon only if it's three words or more. But I was thinking that the reason we put a semicolon is because it's an independent clause (has a subject and a verb). If you take out "is that," then it's no longer an independent clause, whether it's implied or not. Did she talk about that in her seminar?
Comment by kathy - iamwrdsmth on January 10, 2009 at 22:28
this semi colon 'rule' applies also to "correct" and "true"
correct" is considered to be a shortcut of "is that correct" and
"true" is a shortcut of "is that true" therefore, a
semi colon goes in front of them at the end of a
question (or answer)
but that is where Ms. Wells draws the line with regard to semi colons in front of these "shortcut" words.
all the other things that might come at the end of a
question should have the appropriate punctuation
rules applied to them individually.

:)) kathy
Comment by kathy - iamwrdsmth on January 10, 2009 at 22:22
Okay, Marla.

One thing I remember from today is
that ALL commas and periods go INSIDE the quotes.

--but we all already knew that one; right?

use semi colon in front of "right" because it is considered to be a "slang" or shortcut of "is that right"

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