Magnum Steno Fan Club


Magnum Steno Fan Club

Let's all get together and learn to write shorter, cleaner, and faster the Mark Kislingbury way. "Write Short - Write Fast!"

Members: 259
Latest Activity: Apr 23

The man himself.

Discussion Forum

final OR ending 7 Replies

Started by Wynne A. Pauly. Last reply by Wynne A. Pauly Feb 16, 2013.

need help for these and how Mark does them 8 Replies

Started by Wynne A. Pauly. Last reply by Wynne A. Pauly Mar 18, 2012.

final -LY ending 4 Replies

Started by Wynne A. Pauly. Last reply by Keith Rowan II Dec 18, 2011.

DWI and DUI 2 Replies

Started by Wynne A. Pauly. Last reply by Glen Warner Nov 18, 2011.

What does Mark recommend on conflicts??? 7 Replies

Started by Wynne A. Pauly. Last reply by Wynne A. Pauly Nov 18, 2011.

Online school for Magnum Theory 4 Replies

Started by Lisa. Last reply by Diana Van Dyke Jan 14, 2010.

Need practice on briefs or phrases you are trying to learn? Try digital flash cards! 15 Replies

Started by Keith Rowan II. Last reply by Diana Van Dyke Jan 13, 2010.

Why doesn't this work for me (insert wailing and gnashing of teeth)? 11 Replies

Started by Cathryn Bauer. Last reply by Laura Axelsen Jan 9, 2010.

I love TKWARD 16 Replies

Started by Janet. Last reply by Paul Goldstein Dec 17, 2009.

Thought I'd toss these into the mix

Started by Cathryn Bauer Nov 22, 2009.

In my days of court reporting school ..... 1 Reply

Started by Lori Parness. Last reply by Christine Grucci Nov 6, 2009.

How to get from 76% accuracy to 98% in 5 weeks - at 160wpm! 5 Replies

Started by diamante girl. Last reply by Stephanie W., CSR, RPR, CRR, CRC Oct 23, 2009.

I Probably Should Not Admit This... 18 Replies

Started by Janet. Last reply by Dale Oct 2, 2009.

Numbers 17 Replies

Started by Lorna Brodie. Last reply by kathy - iamwrdsmth Oct 1, 2009.

This program is fantastic! 4 Replies

Started by Cathryn Bauer. Last reply by Cathryn Bauer Sep 12, 2009.

Mark's briefing method... 5 Replies

Started by Mike Rowell. Last reply by Monica Gerard Sep 8, 2009.

How does Magnum Steno Club work? 5 Replies

Started by Kar. Last reply by Glen Warner Aug 20, 2009.

Small-Word Phrases 33 Replies

Started by Tami. Last reply by Monica Gerard Aug 13, 2009.

dictionary building.. 8 Replies

Started by Mike Rowell. Last reply by Ian Dawson Jul 31, 2009.

Staying on top of speaker vs trailing behind speaker 12 Replies

Started by Gary Wolpow. Last reply by Erik Olson Jul 23, 2009.

Comment Wall

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Comment by Lauren Boxx on October 16, 2009 at 20:45
I wanted to say hello to everyone. I'm new around here and still trying to figure things out.

I've started thinking about starting to think about the RMR. LOL My mom has hers and I think it would be nice to have a matching set. I'm just not there in my mind yet, KWIM?
Comment by Lauren Boxx on October 16, 2009 at 20:43
Good luck, Trevor! You WILL do it!!!
Comment by Tami on October 16, 2009 at 19:35
WOW!! It's here!!!

I'll keep ahopin' and awishin' and aprayin' like always!!!


And keep breathing, Mom!!
Comment by Christine Kirley on October 15, 2009 at 20:21
How exciting!! "Last minute words of advice:" "They're only words." Just do what you've been trained to do these past months. The CSR test should be a piece of cake compared to the MS Club. Our prayers precede you and will be with you. Please keep us posted. Good luck, Trevor!! Alexis, just be the great supportive mom you have been all along :)
Comment by April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR on October 15, 2009 at 19:19
Remember to breathe, Trevor :) Good luck!
Comment by Alexis McCutchen on October 15, 2009 at 12:11
PS Good luck to Mike, too!! See you there.
Comment by Alexis McCutchen on October 15, 2009 at 12:10
Hello everyone. Well, tomorrow is the big day for my son, Trevor. CSR here he comes!!!

Any last minute words of advice to calm the nerves? I know he'll be just fine, but "mom" is a mess! ;-) Breathe...

Mark ~ Trevor spoke at his reception yesterday and he gave thanks to you and said what an inspiration you are to him. Just wanted you to know that. Your videos have helped him, especially watching the archived ones on psychological warfare, repeating in your head, et cetera.

I'll keep you posted.
Comment by Brenda Rogers on October 15, 2009 at 9:45
Monica, I've had it come up almost as often as "persecute.";) None for the first and twice for the second (in 3 yrs). PERS/KAOUT Not enough for me to brief.
Comment by Mark Kislingbury on October 15, 2009 at 8:49
When you put the Ring on, it makes you LOVE to write everything out!
Comment by Mark Kislingbury on October 15, 2009 at 8:48
Glad you guys are enjoying the fast dictation!

Kathryn and Monica, you two are too funny! I love the Lord of the Briefs quote. Did you know the Evil Sauron wants us to write everything out and come back with a separate stroke for endings??

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