Greg Adelson
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At 9:55 on June 8, 2011, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…

Hi, Greg!  I just read your post regarding scoping.  I'm on Eclipse, but there is a group on this site that you might want to join and post in as well.  It's the DigitalCAT group:


If you gave an editing tip there, you may get more interest regarding your scoping post.  Just a thought!

At 15:25 on December 24, 2008, Tami said…

click to create your own Hope you have a terrific 2009!!

At 10:21 on November 6, 2008, Marlene said…
Hi Greg. I'm a scopist that would like very much to learn a little more
about your e-transcript conversion from ASCII. About two weeks ago I
had asked one of the reporters that I scope for if she could send me
a ptx copy of the final job she sends out. She said she could only send
me an ASCII file. My question to you is can you convert an ASCII file into
a ptx copy? I have other reporters that send out e-transcripts and they
send me a ptx copy, and then I use the reallegal viewer when I need to
refer to these files so that I can quickly use the index to find words or names
that I need in the case.
At 6:05 on September 22, 2008, Glen Warner said…
Hi, Greg.

Those ducks look really familiar to me!

When I lived in Homestead, my wife and daughter began feeding a couple of "cute li'l duckies" through the fence that separated our yard from the golf course.

A couple days later, they fly over the fence and begin eating out of my wife and daughter's hands (they loved that!).

I think it was at this point that I told them that this probably wouldn't end well ....

Another day or so, and sure enough, they're waiting for them on the back porch!

Never got to tell the ducks to get the frell outta here; Hurricane Andrew took care of that for me ... but (because I'm such a great ex-hubby), I'm going to send your duck picture to my ex and our daughter! Should bring back memories.

At 7:39 on August 26, 2008, Lisa Migliore Black said…
Those are some ugly ass ducks, Greg.

I used to feed the pigeons on the beach in HA. They were the mangiest things you've ever seen, but there's something spiritually beautiful when an animal trusts you. I named my pigeons, too. Too many years have passed to recall what I came up with back then, but most pigeons look alike, save some physical defect, like no feathers, a missing leg, and cracked or missing beak. Apparently, as big as I was, I was less intimidating than whatever was causing their body parts to fall off:)
At 20:10 on August 25, 2008, Lisa Migliore Black said…
Are those turkeys in your yard, Greg? There's got to be a funny story about that. You can pull a funny story out of your butt. I'll agree with Bekah on one point: love the pics.
At 7:50 on August 7, 2008, Bekah Soule said…
Hey Greg - read a couple of your posts. Wanted to say I love the pics. Can't go wrong with the bike and guns...LOL
At 14:17 on February 19, 2008, Greg Adelson said…
Just a little more about Florida for you, Barb. I live in Deerfield Beach, which is between Pompano and Boca.
I moved into a developed community for people 55 and above. I like the community. They keep it in great shape. I came out her mostly because of my wife, who told me if I moved to Florida, she would work and I could retire. Well, the housing cost was about 40 percent of what I paid in California. I sold at almost the top of the California market and probably paid a little too much in Florida. Love my place. Everything else cost about as much. Car insurance is more here. Can you believe that? Like I told you, it took a little bit of trial and error to land in a good spot. I work for a small place who is based in Miami, and I help them cover the Broward and Palm Beach Counties. The stuff is mostly high-end, so I do not get very many holds. I usually get copies plus attendance fees. I have told them that I am just there for depositions. I refuse to take a short court matters, making really about 65 bucks, and out of that having to pay for parking. That really sucks.
So I do depositions. I go through heavy and light periods. The people I work with are very nice. They do not contract at all. I thought about building some clientle of my own. I moved all my office stuff here, including my photocopy machine, but I kind of like working two or three days a week.
I get a 10 percent commission off of my old business in California for all 0-1s and copies. That is a little like a retirement plan. I left it in good hands, but being out of the
picture, I don't know how long that is good to last. So far, so good.

Yes, Delray Beach is nice. My favorate spot is Fort Lauderdale. It is a very hip place. Lots of good restaurants,
concert venue, a great beach. I take jobs in Hollywood a lot. I crack up when I drive through there because I lived in Hollywood, California, in the sixties. I always unconsciously start singing "Hollywooood, da da da da da da, Hollywooood.

Here are some of the nice things about it here: As miserable as the summer is with the heat and humidity, the winter is just the opposite. It is 75ish and breezy. Wonderfull, really. The ocean is warm here. Even in the wintertime, you can get in. The fishing is wonderful. It is definitely a buyer's market here, probably like anywhere else.
I saw a sign that said, "If you buy my house, I'll kiss your ass." Just kidding.

Anyway, that's about it. Maybe soon we will be able to go to Kooba.

At 21:37 on February 10, 2008, Tami said…
Hi, Greg,

Have to share this with you. Clay came home for the weekend. He was 21 last Tuesday so came home to celebrate. I think the only time he checks out Depoman is when he's at home, and it's very briefly when he does. He doesn't have internet at his apartment, and school keeps him so busy that he doesn't have time to log in there, I don't think.

So he's on his laptop, sitting on the den couch, and starts reading the thread about the speed contest writers and how they had their notes in the JCR.

He had never known about that until reading that thread. Such a sheltered child. :)

So he goes, "Hey, I want my notes in a magazine one day!"

Thought you'd appreciate it. We're not the only ones thinking we're going to hear good things about Clay. He's thinking that himself.

Kinda cool, huh.

Hope you have a great week!
At 20:26 on January 17, 2008, Tami said…
Hey, Professor,

I think you're selling yourself short. Just because you didn't write RT doesn't mean you couldn't AND doesn't mean you can't teach it well. (I've seen your how-to-write posts for quite a while now, and they're always enlightening to me, and I've learned from them aplenty.

Maybe physically now it's too late -- I'm nearly there myself and have been squeezing every ounce out of this body I can; hence, the need to write short.

I think the best way to write shorter with StenEd is incorporating all the inflected endings. That's where I was directing you to. I had posted a message under "Come Back for Inflected Endings, WHY??" and was wanting you to take a look.

If those teachers don't let you move your students in that direction, I really do think they need to be shaken!

Hope you had a great teaching week!

I know I've said it before, but your students are so lucky!

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