I finally passed qualifiers last week, and I don't know whether or not I'll be ready to take the CSR in June. I was just wondering if anyone has any advice on how to tell whether or not you're ready.
Thanks for your time.

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I agree with Veronica, take the test. If you passed the qualifiers you're ready to go. If you are the nervous type when it comes to testing, they do have relaxation tapes you can listen to, and also (sorry, but I don't remember the woman's name who makes the tapes), but she used to give a relaxation class before the test in her hotel room. I also can't remember how much it was for the class, but hopefully somebody who reads the comments will remember her name. I also don't know if she still goes to the testing site. The best of luck to you in June.
Thanks for responding. Maybe I'll look into that. Is that like hypnosis? I tried that once for something else, and it didn't take. I'll definitely look into relaxation methods though. From what I understand, the nerves can be the most difficult part of the test.
For me it was the most difficult part of the test. Yes, it is a hypnosis-type thing. One thing to keep in mind when you take the test there are people who write harder than others or who have their hands flying all over the place that may end up sitting next to you, stay focused and ignore. I know in your later comment you said you weren't sure what you are going to do yet, I still advise taking the test, whether you feel ready or not, this way you will have first-hand experience and be able to better prepare next time around if by chance it doesn't work out. I know everybody wants to pass the first time, but I will admit I did not pass the first time, whether because of nervous, spaced out or what. The second time around I went to the relaxation class in the morning, straight to the test, by the time dictation was over I knew I passed, unlike the first time I knew I didn't pass but still typed up the transcript. Again, good luck to you.
Obviously, I haven't committed to taking the test yet, but I'm leaning toward going now. I actually filled out the application yesterday (couldn't help myself). I'm sure being scared to fail isn't unique to me. I just take failure pretty hard, and I know it's not an easy test to pass. I'm going to see if I can find some information on the relaxation class you mentioned. Thanks again!
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do, but I appreciate your advice. As for creating distractions while I'm practicing, I think I'm set there. I live in an apartment surrounded by tenants who play Guitar Hero every single day!
Congratulations, Stephanie.

Now there's more reason than ever to try to make Mark Kislingbury's seminar in two weeks in San Diego. Why not get advice from the best!!
Thanks Tami. I'm definitely interested in attending one of his seminars when I have the chance, but I don't think I'll have the opportunity to do anything like that for a while. My car broke down again last week, so I have a lot to deal with at the moment. I'm just hoping I can keep going to school.
Hi Tami,
Megan, Sara & I are going to Mark's San Diego seminar. We got a room at the host hotel for Friday and Saturday night. Look forward to seeing you.
By the way, Megan has passed three of her tests for the 190-200 class. She will probably contact you soon for some more sitting in time with you at Southwest.
Hope all is well with you and Clay. Look forward to seeing you next weekend in San Diego!!
Oh, my, is it already next weekend?? Isn't that Easter weekend??

I was thinking I had another week.

Sara is going?? That is so awesome!! I wish I could talk Cole into going.

It seems like a blink since we were at his bootcamp in L.A and Megan hadn't even started theory yet. So glad she's zooming along.

Megan has her choice now, she can either sit in with me or Clay. :)
If you passed the qualifiers, then you ARE QUALIFIED to take the test - that simple! Just go for it! Really. If you don't pass, at least you had the experience of taking the test and will know what areas you need to work on. I wish you the best of luck ... keep on practicing and you'll do great!!!
Thanks. I really need to get out there and start working, so I'm leaning toward going. I'm just hoping I make enough progress in the meantime to feel like I have a decent shot of passing.
Thanks again for responding.
So, Stephanie, did you go to the test in June?


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