Added by Kathleen Russell on June 29, 2009 at 16:36 —
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I am trying to back up my dictionary and having no luck. It says that it is there in dictionary maintenance, but when I go to back it up I get an error that says Dynazip zip error, target media non-removable, cannot be used for multi-volume operation or another one that says input file read failure or if it does back it up it says the file doesn't exist. I have been at this for four hours now and am going crazy. If anyone has a few minutes to help a sad student I would greatly appreciate it.…
Added by Trudi O'Brien on June 26, 2009 at 17:40 —
1 Comment
Would I write "R-rated" or "R rated" as in the sense that "The movie was R rated."
Added by Michelle Graciano on June 25, 2009 at 20:16 —
Hi, my name is Veronica. I am a new court reporter and received for the first time ever in my life a bill from the Treasurer and Tax Collecor for Los Angeles. I called them to ask what it was and they said it is because I am leasing my steno machine, a Stetnura Fushion, that I have to pay property taxes on it. I then tried calling the compnay, Univest, but they are closed for the day (They are Eastern Standar time). I do have a contract on rent to own with zero interest, but nohting was…
Added by Veronica Velez on June 25, 2009 at 15:27 —
Hi everyone...I know this might sound like a stupid question, but I've never used a scopist/proofreader and I don't know how it goes. I just wanted to ask a question for anybody who is an Eclipse scopist/proofreader. I usually proofread my own stuff, and have for years, but I'm looking into trying out a proofreader for some things. I was wondering...if I e-mail a transcript from Eclipse to be proofread, does anyone have the capability to do the corrections right on the transcript and e-mail me…
Added by Amy on June 23, 2009 at 9:47 —
I am working on a depo with an Indian baby doctor! He said he placed her in the something position for delivery and then they prepped the perineum. It sounds like peritardum position or bellitardum or something like that. I've googled till I can't google any more. Any help?
Added by Jane McGill on June 22, 2009 at 15:37 —
Well, my search for legal transcription continues, although I have recently and continue to send out some emails, response is slow. Trying to make sure I don't duplicate and make a pest out of myself in the bargain.
Currently doing general transcription and find that it is a continuous educaltional program. Interesting, huh? Got myself to college at one time, managed to last 1 semester, $$$ & time, you know how that goes. Found my favorite subject was Art History, surprised…
Added by Kathleen Russell on June 22, 2009 at 10:00 —
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Hello, I'm new to the reporting field. I'm freelance and was wondering if there is a manual that court reporters go by when it comes to rates, rules, etc. Can reporters charge different rates for different locations? I don't want to do anything that is unethical and I can't find a manual anywhere to go by. Any advice will be appreciated!
Added by Crystal Chilton on June 22, 2009 at 9:02 —
I'm a full-time court reporter student, part-time legal secretary/billing clerk, and freelance transcriptionist... and I think I've developed carpal tunnel syndrome!!! :(
I wanted to ask if our CSR's have carpal tunnel? If so, can/do you still work through it?
Worst case scenario is that I can no longer pursue my dream of becoming a Certified Shorthand Reporter... which would seriously be AWFUL!!! I've worked SO HARD to get to where I am now (160 WPM and counting). I don't…
Added by Christine (Steno Nerd) on June 22, 2009 at 9:00 —
I'm still kind of new to the reporting field. I was wondering if there is a way to send audio files on case catalyst through email. I've tried and it always rejects it saying the file is too large. Please help!
Added by Crystal Chilton on June 22, 2009 at 8:59 —
Proper etiquette for snatching food from the sample people.
Make one long queue.
Do not cut in front of others.
Do not collect for your whole family.
Do not stand behind the sample person and reach over them to snatch from the table.
Please say thank you.
Take a napkin.
Throw you sample wrapper/napkin away in the trash bin. Do not leave for the next family that will be using your cart.
Observe the right of way. Very often difficult to tell.…
Added by Kyung on June 20, 2009 at 15:00 —
After two months of living in a jumble between a move from Georgia to Oklahoma, living in a motel and then finally into an apartment, I've got my 'net and phone and am SO ready to get on with work. Trust me, I'm very happy to be settled in. It was really a confusing time for me and although I was going with the flow, didn't realize just how stressed I'd become.
So, onward and upward. Time to seek out some great court reporters! Watch out world, 'cause HERE I COME!
Added by Rita Clapp on June 18, 2009 at 14:41 —
1 Comment
hi, all
i've used bridge once before but have depos coming up where they are wanting to use it. can anyone help with tricks, tips or pointers? i remember connecting and not being sure that i was connected. very different from live note.
renee pacheco
Added by Renee Pacheco on June 17, 2009 at 17:15 —
Hey, Everybody,
I am thinking about taking the Realtime Exam. I've been supplying realtime. I would appreciate any tips anyone who has taken it can give me, any things I need to do before I go and take the exam. I'm assuming, fix problems that you find in your dictionary. Any input you all have to give would be much appreciated.
Added by Janiece Young on June 17, 2009 at 6:18 —
Yes. Yes. I know I'm ranting lately, and this hasn't happened recently but when it does, I feel very dismissed.
So you're asking for spellouts and the attorney tells you just to spell it phonetically or they tell you we'll do it later and you know they're just going to run out the door at the end of the depo or you're asking the witness spellings and the attorney tells the witness, let's go. Or they ask you in that tone (you know the tone) are you done yet?
Excuse me, but…
Added by Kyung on June 16, 2009 at 8:19 —
You know you're getting old when you can't read the business cards that the attorney's are handing out.
I have a particularly difficul time with 8 and 6 and 0. Last night, I had to whip out my huge Sherlock Holmesian magnifying glass to look at the attorney's phone number.
I guess with all the added information on these attorney's card, the font is getting smaller and smaller. Well, at least that's what I tell myself.
Added by Kyung on June 14, 2009 at 9:32 —
After less than a month of committed online activity and promotion, I've finally hit the ground running. I hope to make a success out of this undertaking. And I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to all those who gave their encouragement and those who expressed interest and support. And, of course, many thanks go out to CSRnation and all the beautiful souls who are part of this community. Words would not suffice to express my happiness. Again, maraming salamat!
Added by Randy Renier Espinoza on June 12, 2009 at 21:00 —
A friend of mine sold transcripts of a case to all the parties involved in the case.
Then one lawyer came back and said I need another 2 copies, one of which has to be sealed for presentation to the court.
The friend set a very fair price for the additional transcripts, and the lawyer has accused my friend of double-dipping and charging twice for the transcript.
Has anyone got any good standard responses to the lawyer to explain that my friend is not…
Added by Bill Parsons on June 9, 2009 at 9:01 —
Conservatively NCRA has cumulatively lost over $2,000,000 during the last 16 years.
During those 16 years JCR Court Reporter Listing advertisers have cancelled their ads by the dozens because of their great dissatisfaction with with the policy of the NCRA board of directors and NCRA staff in listing the Court Reporter Listings in NO order.
NOTE: The ads are listed by seniority which is equivalent of listing the ads in NO order.
As of the May issue of JCR 94 ads…
Added by Bill Parsons on June 4, 2009 at 4:33 —
No Comments
For those hard-to-hear recordings or when you're monitoring your audio recording at a depo through your microphone, try the
Boostaroo headphone amplifier. I recently had a super quiet depo, and this little amplifier made it crystal clear. Hard to believe how much it helped, really.
I velcroed my
mini keyboard to the top of my…
Added by Marla Sharp on June 3, 2009 at 21:00 —