I took an evening hearing job for an agency who listed their assignment on Cover Depo NY in early May (who will remain anonymous at the present time).
Turns out the job expedited ~ I got it to them on the date requested.
They never told me before taking the assignment they had specific margins. They asked me to change them the day I delivered it, when I was at another job, and after emailing me several times to do so while I was at my job and unable to do it, they said they spent four…
Added by Premier Reporting on June 2, 2009 at 16:00 —
Everyone, much thanks for the birthday wishes. I needed something to cheer me up. I turned 50. I was so depressed. I am half of 100.
I celebrated my birthday this past weekend on a dinner cruise with friends and family and realized how fortunate I am. I'm alive and in good health. 50 is cool!!!
Added by maura johnson on June 1, 2009 at 9:55 —
NCRA members should be aware that the NCRA board of directors and staff give a yearly JCR ad price discount of $1,600 each to McCorkle Court Reporters, Inc. and Gore Brothers.
McCorkle Court Reporters, Inc. and Gore Brothers each buy double JCR Court Reporter Listing ads so they have a 1/6 page ad in the JCR Court Reporter Listing ad section.
I have the May 2009 display advertising rates in front of me, and a 10-time 1/6 page JCR display ad sells for $360 per…
Added by Bill Parsons on June 1, 2009 at 7:00 —
1 Comment
Just thought it might be of interest to forum readers that Merrill Corporation bought a dozen new JCR Court Reporting Listing ads in the May issue of JCR.
Those dozen new ads were as follows:
1. Alabama
2. California
3. District of Columbia
4. Georgia
5. Illinois
6. Massachusetts
7. Mississippi
8. New York
9. Pennsylvania
10. Texas
11. Washington
12. Asia
The NCRA board of directors has said those JCR Court…
Added by Bill Parsons on June 1, 2009 at 4:15 —
Things are moving right along, slowly. When you're job hunting, how many placed applications for positions or overflow work assignments, full or part time, is the average now days?
Added by Kathleen Russell on May 31, 2009 at 20:00 —
Just moved my web site Reliable Transcription to Homestead,
check it out at www.reliabletranscription.net
Added by Kathleen Russell on May 30, 2009 at 7:30 —
No Comments
Forum Members,
if you are really interested in the best interests of NCRA members and want to see those members receive the best most excellent service possible, please e-mail me for info on the NCRA board of directors and NCRA staff losing NCRA members millions of dollars.
The information I will send you is so volatile to those whose first loyalty is to the NCRA board of directors and staff that the information cannot be posted on forums without having fierce attacks… Continue
Added by Bill Parsons on May 29, 2009 at 7:37 —
No Comments
So I see a lot of discussions about the page rate and getting paid. But what about the copies? Yeah, the copies.
Are you guys getting a lot of copy orders or are most of your jobs O&1? Here in Southern California, they do the heinous Southern Cal stip where they relieve us of our duty to maintain the transcript and send the original to the other side, so they don't order a copy. Not so prevalent in Northern Cal.
How old is your oldest outstanding copy order? How old…
Added by Kyung on May 28, 2009 at 7:25 —
THE WITNESS: Then procedure is skin treatment done, skin checked, clean and examined for any redness or open areas. Dermagran ointment applied to inguinal area and buttocks every shift. Baza Cream 2 percent AF applied to right heel as a skin barrier.
THE REPORTER: If you read just a little slower, I wouldn't have to interrupt so much.
MS. ATTORNEY: And during the breaks, since these are typed, I bet you can clean it up by actually looking at the typed record.
Witness: nurse…
Added by Lisa Breiter on May 27, 2009 at 8:39 —
Is anyone using Gmail to get jobs from their scopists? I had to sign up for it because my regular email is down. My proofer sent me a job and I clicked on download and in Mozilla it went into the download box and then put it on my desk top. Now I can't figure out how to get it from my desktop into Case Cat. I tried dragging and dropping and it won't let me do it. Am I totally retarded or what??
Added by Renee Pacheco on May 26, 2009 at 21:27 —
As some may have read, I've been struggling with getting paid by an agency for work I took in January and February. I finally did get my $772.00!
Here's what I did right in this situation:
1. Kept good documentation, copies of e-mails, copies of my invoices.
2. Kept after them. At first it was friendly reminders, then every time they called me for a job, I reminded them they owed me money. Then when the phone calls stopped, we started an e-mail and phone call blitz between…
Added by Lisa Breiter on May 26, 2009 at 15:41 —
Hi everyone,
This is my first blog... a question to all of you:
"What tips do you have for navigating around this website?"
I love the conversations here, but can't seem to organize everything in my head about getting back to see replies to comments I've made, keeping up with newly-updated club activity, and knowing how to connect the email alerts received to the specific spot in the website... Then, there's the question of, What are the exact distinctions…
Added by C Cipolla on May 26, 2009 at 8:00 —
For those who cannot attend the NCRA conference in the Washington, D.C., please let your voice be heard and email NCRA telling them that you are opposed to membership in our organization by ER or DAR individuals.
Added by anita t. shemin on May 26, 2009 at 5:58 —
Okay, Kathryn, here goes:
1. First and foremost, be the kind of mom my kids are proud of.
2. Be the kind of wife my husband looks forward to waking up with every day.
3. Take at least two family vacations out of state/country a year.
4. Qualify in all three legs of the NCRA speed contest in one sitting before I die.
Added by Tami on May 25, 2009 at 18:29 —
...ain't so nifty. No, I usually do not say ain't, but I don't usually turn 50, either. For the past week or so I've felt like Linda Blair. What a gift I got this year, menopause. Today some guy yelled at me hanging out of the window of his truck, telling me to SLOW DOWN! (I was at a stop sign, just starting up again -- not speeding.) As soon as he did that, the new demons that are occupying my body screamed right back at the guy, BLEEP BLEEP! If he had stopped, I probably would have gotten…
Added by Janet on May 25, 2009 at 17:45 —
Hi. In the interest of managing my struggling business as a freelance proofreader, I hope you can help me establish a baseline for structuring my turnaround and delivery times. If you have time, kindly respond to the following questions:
1. At which time/s of the day do you usually send out jobs to your proofreader?
2. On which day/s of the week are you not likely to send out jobs to your proofreader?
I appreciate your interest in replying to the questions above.…
Added by Randy Renier Espinoza on May 24, 2009 at 20:00 —
Here is the testimony. I don't know why I didn't ask them afterward. It was a long day and I was tired.
Q What's his address in Florida?
A It is 10 Main Street.
MR. SMITH: Why don't we deal with giving you the address privately, can we agree on that? My client's been shot at by somebody. I don't want his address in a public document.
MS. JONES: You mean you just want this off the record, his address?
MR. SMITH: Yeah. Can we strike the part about the…
Added by Lisa Breiter on May 24, 2009 at 9:26 —
Well, today I bought a bike. We moved to Irvine a couple of years ago, and there's lots of trails and things. My daughter is five now. It will be nice for the whole family to be able to go bike riding together.
I got a nice purple beach cruiser.
I have to tell you, I haven't been on a bike in over 25 years, maybe 30. I was terrified. I was pretty sure I would be able to ride it once I got it going on. The hard part for me is getting on and getting off without falling over.…
Added by Kyung on May 23, 2009 at 18:30 —
No Comments
Well, I can't reply to Kathryn directly on her page because that would necessitate my making a list of goals -- something I've never done to my recollection. I've always fallen into things: reporting, parenthood, homeownership.
Kathryn, you are so driven. I admire that so much. Just isn't in my hardwiring at all. I don't care a lick about letters behind my name, about being published, about contests. I do like helping students, especially those nearly ready to work. I'd like to get…
Added by Brenda Rogers on May 23, 2009 at 13:54 —
After experiencing a very unpleasant event, I feel compelled to post this. If you take a job from someone on CSRNation, even if you have spoken to them on the phone and all the terms are delineated, make sure you have them sign a contract with all terms explicitly set out.
E-mail me if you want the details @ pmclaughlinrpr@gmail.com.
Added by Tricia McLaughlin on May 22, 2009 at 22:00 —