All Blog Posts (857)

Reporter clarification on videotaped depo

Hi All,

Recently on a videotaped depo the witness started to answer a question at the same time his atty objected that he'd already answered the question (so they overlapped) and told the questioning atty he could have the record read back for his previous answer. So I read the previous Q & A and the colloquy up to the point where he made the objection and said the witness had already answered... so then I asked the witness if he answered the question (where he and his atty… Continue

Added by lynn darling on May 4, 2009 at 18:32 — 3 Comments

Isolating audio

Hello. Now I do actually have a question:) I wondered if anyone on here knew how to isolate a piece of your audio and save it separately or how to save an audio file with pieces cut out of it. Some of our attorneys ask for the audio files to be included on a disc with the transcript, but I do not pause it every time there is a short discussion off the record because usually they just start talking off the record anyway. Therefore, I just need to know how to cut the off the record discussions,… Continue

Added by Erica Abbott on May 4, 2009 at 12:26 — 5 Comments


Hello all:) I haven't added anything for a while, but I certainly get on here and read over many of the things going on every day. I do just want to take a moment to throw out there that I think there are so many wonderful and amazing people on this site. People that I can only hope to be like as my life and career grows. How wonderful is it that we can take time out of our day to answer someone's question or try to give some advice on school or attempt to make someone whom we may only know… Continue

Added by Erica Abbott on May 4, 2009 at 6:53 — 4 Comments

Mountains and mountains of tapes

So I have a pile of cassette tapes. Right now, I'm at the Jenga stage. But some day, I will be reaching the landfill stage.

What do you guys do with all your cassette tapes?

Back in the day, my girlfriend would make tape mixes. Yes, some of the younger reporters are going tape mixes? What are those? Well, we used to make mixes of different songs that we copied off of our music cassettes and listen to them in the car.

Anyway, nobody does that anymore. It's all… Continue

Added by Kyung on May 3, 2009 at 6:30 — 13 Comments

COD'ers stopping their checks after transcript pick up

Has anyone has the situation arise where you have COD'd someone because they are well known in the community not to pay and have the stop their check after they've been to your office to pick up the transcripts?

Has anyone filed a police complaint for larceny and had success this route? Or have you tried another route?

Added by Debbie Landi on April 30, 2009 at 23:41 — 13 Comments

Test Taking Tips

I'm taking the RPR and CSR. Will some of you share your test taking tips. How do you handle the tension and anixety? What is your strategy when you're really pushing? Everybody has different suggestions. Please share yours. Thx

Added by Teresa Russ on April 30, 2009 at 19:41 — 5 Comments

Fashion show

Our niece was Master of Ceremonies at her college fashion show. This was the best pic of the evening, I felt! Look at the lighting! The contrasts are SO smooth! Such a nice composition! Has NOTHING to do w/the subjects! (LOL)

Added by Rhoda Collins on April 30, 2009 at 6:26 — 9 Comments

Any pointers on taking the Nevada exam?

I have my California license and I recently moved to Nevada. I'm scheduled to take the exam on May 9. I purchased a book from them (too many words in it) on the Nevada laws. Also, I was told the written is similar to the RPR, so I purchased that book (also too many words in it). I haven't taken an exam in almost 20 years... plus, 12 of those years was spent not working. I wonder if anyone has a suggestion on what to study the most?? I'd like to pass the first time. I'll probably fail the… Continue

Added by Kim Begg on April 28, 2009 at 10:09 — 19 Comments


If this has happened to you, please file a police report

Added by Susan Sullivan on April 27, 2009 at 7:43 — 20 Comments

All Court Reporters Must Read this and Respond Quickly

This is an urgent matter requiring your attention. Read Print the petition listed there, have it signed and send it in, details on the site.

Dear Reporters:

In November of 2008, the NCRA Board of Directors voted to explore/develop a plan for the testing and certification of non-steno methods. These methods include electronic recording/digital audio recording and voicewriting.

As members of NCRA, we believe it is in… Continue

Added by Sue Baker on April 26, 2009 at 8:29 — 6 Comments

Extreme Case of Cancelitis

For the past two weeks. I think it's terminal. I'm giving myself two days to live. Luckily it happens to be Friday so that means I have the weekend. Almost every single job I have taken, the witnesses have not shown up. The two that went, the attorney ordered a rough draft, took it, then said they thought it was a courtesy copy and won't pay for it. The other that went, they ordered rush one-day delivery in the morning, canceled it in the afternoon after I had been feverishly working like a… Continue

Added by Sue Baker on April 24, 2009 at 10:25 — 5 Comments

To vacation or not to vacation

I'm going camping in July. We go every year, but this will be the first time I will be taking my machine with me. Does anyone out there take their machine with them when they travel??

Added by Linda Robinson on April 23, 2009 at 16:13 — 6 Comments

looking for a proofreader

I''m a court reporter in Snowmass, Colorado. I'm looking for a proofreader. I'm on an old system, OZPC. I would send work page imaging as an attachment to e-mail. Any takers? Thanks,
Barbara Gerbaz
Gerbaz Court Reporting

Added by Barbara J. Gerbaz on April 23, 2009 at 9:22 — 2 Comments

Transitioning to caregiver...

Well, my life has officially turned upside down, but I'm still maintaining my sanity. My husband & kids moved back to my childhood home to help care for my ailing mother. I know she hasn't got long on this earth, so this is going to be like a very long last visit with her. She suffered kidney failure, heart attack, underwent dialysis, and she'll be needing all the care a patient with Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) needs to have. If you had told me last year I would be doing this,… Continue

Added by Diane Hickman on April 22, 2009 at 17:08 — 7 Comments

Back of my Grand....

here's my backend, lol!

And the back scene of my key area....

Added by Rhoda Collins on April 21, 2009 at 17:00 — 5 Comments

Need a New Printer

If anyone has recently purchased a printer that he/she is happy with, I'd appreciate the feedback. Thanks!

Added by Ruth Grant on April 21, 2009 at 9:43 — 5 Comments

Case Catalyst

I am really interested in switching to Case. I have Winner by Procat now. Can anyone tell me if Case is worth the switch? Whoever has it if you love it??? :)
Thanks a bunch!

Added by Jaimie on April 21, 2009 at 7:29 — 4 Comments

NCRA must end special treatment of freelance agency owners when such treatment means members have to pay higher dues

JCR Magazine cannot specially subsidize any segment of membership

Below is a copy of e-mail sent to NCRA board of directors

Board Members,

Board members should be provided facts contrary to the opinions of the NCRA board members, executive director and staff.

Other associations charge the going market rates for their ads and don't subsidize ad rates for the benefit of any segment of their membership.

The National Paralegal Reporter Magazine… Continue

Added by Bill Parsons on April 18, 2009 at 5:00 — No Comments

Mountains and Mountains of Exhibits

Do you ever get scared that you're going to be buried alive under a pile of exhibits? Sometimes I have to take a day just to get all my exhibits in order and get them out to the agency. It's craziness.

Don't you just love it when you have towering stacks of exhbits? Do you ever worry that they will topple over and all your exhibits from your different jobs will get mingle together?

Have you ever had to tear your office apart because you misplaced an exhibit and you know… Continue

Added by Kyung on April 17, 2009 at 17:48 — 2 Comments

NCRA Members' Motion to Rescind Board Action 08-11-13

If you are an NCRA member or associate member concerned about the Board’s move to explore testing and certification of non-stenographic methods, I urge you to visit Our NCRA Constitution & Bylaws provides a vehicle for the membership to rescind Board actions. In conjunction with the overwhelming concern expressed on NCRA's Forum, as well as other sites, a reporter group formed and developed an appropriate motion for the membership’s consideration,… Continue

Added by Lisa Williams on April 17, 2009 at 6:28 — No Comments

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