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Writing to Word 2 Replies

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update area for dictionary 2 Replies

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Comment by Cindy Clark on August 30, 2012 at 7:06

You have to restore it to your Case CATalyst user file, so "browse" to where you have stored Case, find the usr file, double click on it, and decide from there where you want to restore the files to.

Comment by Roberta Caiola on August 30, 2012 at 6:59

I have a question.  I am switching to a new laptop Lenovo X230, I backed up and restored my dictionary and all includes, etc., that went well.  I backed up a case and when I tried to restore it on my X230 I got the message cannot open file, much be backed up in original CC software.  Just wondering if anyone experienced this, as I had no problems restoring my other files, this only happens when I try to restore a job or case file from my thumb drive and/or larger backup drive.  Any insight would help.  Thanks.

Comment by Janiece Young on August 19, 2012 at 9:52

You too.

Comment by Roberta Caiola on August 19, 2012 at 9:51

Thanks and have a great day!!

Comment by Janiece Young on August 19, 2012 at 9:48

Yes, Roberta, I am so glad to hear you say that.  When I first started reporting I had not backed up a job I was editing.  It was 150 pages of an expert, did go well, hard.  I had to edit over the whole thing b/c my hard drive went out.  Never again.  I back everything up on flash drives as I go.  I have mine on two computers too.  

Glad this worked out okay for you.  :-)

Comment by Roberta Caiola on August 19, 2012 at 9:45

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was cleaning the hard drive in the background, which I do once a week, but this has never happened before.  All I know is I have about 90 pages left and once I get this job done then I can play more with the file.  I have to say that after about 24 years of reporting, with all the changes from Xscribe to Premier Power and on and on I have never really had any glitches.  That's why I back up my jobs on two flash drives and another computer.  When all else fails at least I have the job to re-edit.

Comment by Janiece Young on August 19, 2012 at 9:39

Oh, Roberta, we've all been there.  I better make sure I have auto-archive up and running.  Again, I want to know what this error is.  Strange.

Comment by Roberta Caiola on August 19, 2012 at 9:34

Janiece, I did all of the same searching all morning and nothing.  I went on Facebook to the CC group and all I had to do was go to archive and the job is there, refreshed with all my edits, whew, what a relief and now I don't have to re-edit the job.  In my panic I didn't even think of the obvious.

Comment by Janiece Young on August 19, 2012 at 9:28

I went online to search for that error message.  I couldn't find anything.  I also searched help on my computer and didn't find anything.  If you have support you might check with them on Monday.  I have never heard of this error.  Now I am curious.

Comment by Roberta Caiola on August 19, 2012 at 9:25

I opened the file in auto archive and it's there, at least I don't have to edit it over again, but I still can't open it in the case file.


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