Corinne Dupuis
  • Litchfield Park, AZ
  • United States
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  • Valerie
  • Elizabeth Wood
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  • Yulonda
  • Robin Osterode
  • Javari Judon
  • Kimberly Baltunis
  • Stephanie McCarn
  • Deborah L. Willoughby
  • Rhoda Collins
  • Michael D. Chaney

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What is your occupation?
Proofreader, scopist, transcriptionist
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Don't remember, it's been a while.

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At 22:06 on November 30, 2009, Valerie said…
Thanks for the warm welcome Corinne. I think I recognize you from Gateway, I probably saw you when I first started. And I think I've heard your name a few times from fellow students. So you work as a scopist/transcriptionist? I'm sure it's hard to think about coming back to a "brick" school when you live out of the way, and with how much time it takes out of your day. I find it hard to work and go to school, but I keep telling myself it will be over soon.
I'd love to hear about your experiences, successes and struggles, as I know that we all have them. I've recently thought about doing some transcription, so maybe you could tell me about your experience with becoming a certified transcriptionist. I know a few students at Gateway who just took the exam.
Very nice to meet you!
At 8:47 on March 1, 2009, Diane Sonntag said…
I just went to Mark Kislingbury's seminar a few weeks ago. He recommends practicing at 20 WPM faster than your target speed. Then do your last practice take at your target speed. It will seem a lot slower. And yes, try and get as much time as you can on the machine. That's the key to it all. Good luck!
At 7:52 on March 1, 2009, Diane Sonntag said…
Sorry about that, Corrine. I'm multi-tasking often. To answer your question, the ACRA Board determined at its meeting in January to wait until the NCRA Board addressed the issue at its February meeting, which they just had last weekend. The results weren't as positive as we were hoping. They're continuing to look into the issue, but at best, they might offer one more RPR test regionally, and that's even iffy. Not what ACRA was hoping for at all.

Our next ACRA Board meeting is in April at our midyear. I'm hoping we can keep communication open with the CR Board that we can maybe offer additional state certification testing sooner rather than later, but I am one one member of our Board. It would need the approval of a majority of our Board.

So that's where we are....I know, probably not what you wanted to hear, but I want to make sure that we are doing it the right way that will benefit the reporters in our state.

In the meantime, we're offering mock testing the end of March if you're thinking you're close to taking the RPR. The tests will be graded onsite and you can have a discussion with one of our volunteers on areas that you should work on to better your chances of passing the test when you do take it in May.

I'll send the flyer with the info to Stephanie to give to the students.

Good luck and hang in there...we want to see the students succeed, too. We need reporters out there working in the field!

At 7:01 on March 1, 2009, Diane Sonntag said…
Hi, Connie, I just saw your post and went to respond and it's gone. Did you delete it? Please contact me by e-mail if you wish me to respond privately.


At 22:01 on December 16, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
Dear Corinne:
Well, how busy are you? Think you can handle work from me? I checked out one scopist near where I live. I think I may need two. Send me your rates and offer me what you can do for me, okay? My e-mail address is
At 14:22 on November 20, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
Well, then, since it is you, what took YOU so long to contact me. I know I must have mentioned CSRNation to you. Did you lose my card too? You know I've handed out my card to some people there that weekend and nobody contacted me. I also did the same at the CCRA convention in Vegas, especially to students who I was told were there to meet reporters and they weren't reaching out to them. Then I made it a point to do so and met them and not one got back to me. Well, I guess all I can do is offer, huh? Okay, I'll probably get back to you tomorrow because I have some work to do and then take my wife out to see the play THE COLOR PURPLE tonight which she has been dying to see. I hate plays,but I love to see a happy woman. Until then, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I'll have a restful night's sleep. Here's to our friendship!
At 9:16 on November 20, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
Hey, Corinne: Please forgive me if I have the wrong person, but your picture looks so familiar. I got you off of my friend Javari's site; and when I saw your picture after coming to your site, I said: wait a minute. I think I know her. I hope I'm not mistaken. didn't I meet you at the CaseCatalyst workshop in Mesa in October? I know I gave you my card. I took one of yours that you put on display on the table in the corner and the teacher praised you for caring enough about your profession to come out and learn more about the system. This has got to be you. You're in Arizona, too; this can't be a coincidence. Well, I've been looking for your card and I seem to have temporarily misplaced it; but that picture is unmistakable. Is this you? Before I go on, let me know, just in case I'm wrong and making a fool of myself. If so, I apologize but if so, I'll have another avenue with which to travel with you. Even if I'm right, I'll still travel that avenue with you. So, hit me back up ASAP, okay? I don't believe I found you if this is all true. And it won't be coincidence either. I'll tell you why later. Peace out. I know if you're the one, you WILL recognize & remember me.
At 10:22 on July 25, 2008, Natalie Mikolajczak said…
Hi Corinne.
I really like the Simplysteno program so far. I started 01/01/08 and it has been good to me so far. I like being able to study at home. It gives me much more time in my day (flexibility too). There are lessons 5 days a week for Mon-Fri, but I tend to do my lessons Sun-Thurs. Feel free to ask me any specific questions.
At 10:50 on July 22, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Sorry for taking for ever but games is back up!!
it was much harder than i thought :D
At 19:51 on July 21, 2008, Anthony Gaglione said…
Hey sorry it took so long for me to get back to you! I was away... Simply Steno is amazing. I'm sorry that I didn't start right out of theory... I would have been finished right now. I'm going for my 190s so we're kind of at the same speed. Marc is a wonderful instructor and provides a wealth of information/materials to work with. I can unhesitatingly recommend this program and wish you all the best. Let me know what you decide and if I can help in any way with further clarification.

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