Hi, I my anti norton portection is about to expire. I was not too trilled with it. Can anyone recommend a reliable anti-virus protector. I was told about Web-root and Kaspersky. Has anyone heard of these and what do you think about either one of them.
Thank you,
That is great Jackie! I go back to school on Monay and hope to start passing test also. I have been on a two week vacation, and I did practice 2 or more hours a day. I wake up at 5:00 o'clock to practice for an hour on my Real Time Coach program I have, and through out the day. I also enjoy practicing to the television.
I have class two nights a week, which adds up to almost 6 hours of practice. I usually practice 2-3 hours a night on the nights I don't have class, and I intern once a week, which adds an extra 2-3 hours a week. I usually take one day off a week and don't practice if I heard from my teacher that I passed a test (which is why I'm not practicing today - 5 tests left!). It is my reward to myself. :)
What is your favorite way to practice? Drills, fingerspelling, tapes, etc?
Thank you, Jackie, that's great you only need six more. I am excited for you, this is such a great accomplishment. I have been in the Navy for years, and Navy basic training isn't as stressful as this.
Saniya, good luck with your last 10 tests! I need 6 more (three 225 Q&A and three 200 Jury Charge - I am close with these!) and I know how frustrating it is to get to the very end! Just keep plugging at it, keep practicing hard, and it will come. That is so great that you can feel yourself making progress! It sounds like you are doing everything you can to get there - congrats! Have you interned yet?
Hi, Jackie, I attend Long Island Business Institute, located in Commack New York. I still need ten more tests. I have been practicing very hard and I hope to start passing test when I return school monday from vaction. Every week I feel myself getting closer. I have tried lots of test that I thought I might have past but didn't. I am trying to learn from what ever mistakes I made on my test. I could be very frustrating.
Virginia, yes, we realtime every class. We don't look at our screens, of course, during tests, but it is a great helper if we need to look up a stroke for a brief or if someone suggests a brief that we don't use already -- we can just program it in there immediately and not think another thought about it! It is very helpful, and I love it. Most of my classmates hook up every time they practice as well, but when I practice it is just me and my machine chugging along. I don't like to worry about the realtime and dictionary entries while I practice.
Anne, it is a great idea to use flash cards to memorize arbitraries (I'm assuming those are briefs?). I usually write whatever I need to work on down on my legal pad and then will practice then a couple of times during my practice sessions. At home I try to implement them into my writing -- at school I do as well, during practice takes, but if I am taking a test I just take whatever stroke comes fastest to me. Eventually the things you're trying to memorize will stick! Practice, practice, practice -- that is the cure to all of our problems! Where are you going to school? Are you in theory still or are you speed building? What theory did you learn?
Saniya, congratulations on getting so close to the end of your schooling! I am working on 225 Q&A and 200 Jury Charge as well -- almost done! Where are you from? When do you expect to finish?
Hi everyone, I just found out about this sight from my sister who is a working reporter. I am at the end of this challenging ride. I am in the last speed. Iam very excited about finishing. I cannot wait to start my new career.
I also tran directly from the realtime. I follow along in my paper notes as I go. Often, letters showed up as stroked in the realtime but not on the paper because I grazed keys. So I can usually read the paper notes a little better. I am in trouble when I go paperless! Hehe.
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