Court Reporting Students


Court Reporting Students

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Started by Pamela MacDowell Feb 11, 2014.

Court Reporting Schools 5 Replies

Started by Susan C. Last reply by Glen Warner Jul 20, 2013.

Official Court Reporter - Nebraska

Started by Sondra W. Petersen, RMR, CRR Apr 24, 2013.

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Comment by Glen Warner on November 29, 2009 at 6:27
Joanne --

Well, looks like I'd best get to work on that ... right after I finish watching this movie ... and after I get to the buncha e-mails I have to answer ... and -- ooh, doughnut!

Hmm. This might take a while ....
Comment by Joanne Wilson on November 29, 2009 at 5:04
If you ever get around to manifesting the ability to quit procrastinating, you'll be a bazillionaire!
Comment by Saniya C. Youngblood on November 29, 2009 at 2:54
The Secret is, what you think about you bring about. You cannot let one negative doubt get in your head. With school you have to see yourself in school, then eventually start to see yourself finish.
It is LAW OF ATTRACTION! The Secret always works for me. Alot things I have in my life I visualized it before I received it. You should buy the book "The Secret" or the movie to understand it more. It does work! Wal'mart should have it.
Comment by Glen Warner on November 29, 2009 at 0:50
Hi, Angelia.

The Secret is a system of goal-directed prayer, in which one visualizes, concentrates on, and puts together a sort of "visualizer board" about something they desire.

I hear it is somewhat successful, but the fact that the people that made the movie are having financial difficulties is a bit off-putting for me.

Eventually, I'll whip up something on high-tech affirmations ... but first, I have to manifest the ability to stop procrastinating!
Comment by Angelia Bell on November 27, 2009 at 13:12
Saniya, whats "The Secret"??????
Comment by Saniya C. Youngblood on November 27, 2009 at 9:51
Thank you, the practice really does pay off. I need 4 more test. I really feel like I will be finish this month. I cannot wait to receive my Tee-shirt, that says you survived 225. I practice "The Secret," so I been visualizing my Tee-shirt in a frame. I also been saying 225 is easy.
Comment by Julie Guvernator on November 26, 2009 at 16:58
Belated congratulations Saniya. I want to be just like you when I grow up. ;) Our local libarary has individual study rooms. I get one every day after school because I KNOW I won't be interrupted there. At home, even if I'm not interrupted, there's always that potential, which makes it hard to get into the zone, if you know what I mean.
Comment by Jaime Stepp on November 20, 2009 at 12:12
Hi everyone,
I am interested in becoming a court reporter. I have no idea how to start, what to expect, pay scale (real world advice), job demand, what type of school to look for.

I currently live in Florida but after I am done studdying here plan on moving back to San Diego, California. Is this something I can train for here and also work there?

Are there any national test or state test that I will need to take? I am beyond clueless and looking for any advice anyone can give me.

Thank you so very much! Jaime
Comment by Angelia Bell on November 16, 2009 at 11:56
Hi Tina! I haven't got there yet but I'm sure most of us will have our plateaus. Have you tried taking a break from practicing? Like completely get away from it for awhile. Just a suggestion. ;-) Good luck!
Comment by Kim on November 8, 2009 at 20:46
Good job, Soniya!

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