
Word Help

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Liting up 8 Replies

Started by Lisa Berryhill. Last reply by Lisa Berryhill Mar 21, 2015.

Medical words 57 Replies

Started by Marla Sharp. Last reply by Lisa Berryhill Nov 17, 2014.

spelling 2 Replies

Started by Lisa Berryhill. Last reply by Freddie Reppond Jan 24, 2014.


Started by Marla Sharp. Last reply by Marjorie O'Rourke Jan 14, 2014.


Started by Marla Sharp. Last reply by Angela Oct 25, 2013.


Started by Marla Sharp. Last reply by Ida Appleby Sep 29, 2013.

water rights 3 Replies

Started by Lisa Berryhill. Last reply by Quyen Mar 24, 2013.

How to punctuate a sentence 5 Replies

Started by Melinda Travis. Last reply by Melinda Travis Mar 4, 2013.

"crocellis" 1 Reply

Started by Dawn Davila. Last reply by Dawn Davila Aug 13, 2012.

Britt and Ohlendorf objection?? 2 Replies

Started by Noga Boothby. Last reply by Noga Boothby Aug 2, 2012.

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Comment by Stacy Tegner on November 16, 2009 at 13:45
That's exactly what I was just going to write :) "tease the"
Comment by Clay Frazier on November 16, 2009 at 13:45
1 a : to disentangle and lay parallel by combing or carding b : teasel
2 : to tear in pieces; especially : to shred (a tissue or specimen) for microscopic examination

Is that what they're saying?
Comment by Phil Stillerman on November 16, 2009 at 13:39
Could the attorney be asking the doctor to "tease" information from the report?
Comment by Clay Frazier on November 16, 2009 at 13:29
In my depo they said a word a few times that I have a feeling is easy but that I'm unfamiliar with.
The doctor is looking at a report and the attorney is asking him to "teathe" information out of it.
How do you spell it?
Comment by Janiece Young on October 31, 2009 at 8:42
Hi, Melia,
He clearly says "stilt" I'm wondering if he meant "staid." Of course it is a videotape depo. I think I'm just going to end up using (sic) on this one. I just thought maybe there was a meaning for "stilt" or some word close to it I wasn't aware of.
Thanks for your input.
Comment by Cathryn Bauer on October 31, 2009 at 8:41
I was wondering whether it might have been "stilted." That would fit better than "stilt" in that context IMO.
Comment by Melia Shell on October 31, 2009 at 8:38
Pondering, pondering. Using the context of the answer, do you think the doctor might have MEANT a word like "stale" or "stiff" or "stock" ???? And maybe it just sounds like "stilt" over the audio? Is this an opportunity to use (sic) ??

Those adjectives he used to describe Ruth are somewhat cliched, stereotypical, common, and even trite! Although, in the doctor's defense, they ARE positive! Hope it becomes more clear to you!
Comment by Janiece Young on October 31, 2009 at 7:13
Hi, I am looking for a word. This Doctor said "not to use a "STILT" term

STILT is what I'm trying to track down.

Here is the portion of the transcript to give you context.

Q. Okay. You indicated briefly that you -- you liked Ruth Baldwin and you had kind of fond recollections. Could you talk a little bit about the kind of person Ruth Baldwin was.
A. Very pleasant lady. Not to use a -- a stilt term, very sweet, pleasant, upbeat.

Thanks for any help you all can give me.

Comment by Rosalie DeLeonardis on October 29, 2009 at 7:47
I hate the telephoneic depos. Just had one the other day. Yuck!!! Glad I could help.
Comment by Rosalie DeLeonardis on October 28, 2009 at 18:02
Wendy, I found McCarl (I think this person was the author of a 1985 study - you can double-check on google), and I also found Garlock, also found on google. I think they are two separate studies, but both were related to 1985.

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