. . .so I'm talking about mine here. Feel free to jump on the sinking ship.
I had one last night where I was to be taking down court testimony. I was racing to set up. I barely got set up, but I was hooked up to some kind of computer monitor and it was really loud. It had all kinds of crazy graphics going and sounds, I could not mute the darn thing. It was loud and disruptive. I was all hooked up and ready to go and I was telling the judge, just a minute, I've just got to get the…
Added by Kyung on November 23, 2008 at 7:16 —
Well, I guess we're going to have Christmas lights on our house this year. I'm very excited. The last two years, I was in charge of hiring somebody to come out and put Christmas lights on our house. Both times they flaked. Two different years, two different companies.
When I grew up, we were not the type of family to have Christmas lights on our house. So I am very excited.
This year, my husband was in charge. He actually got people to our house and they took measurements…
Added by Kyung on November 21, 2008 at 22:38 —
Well, we all see each other as we go to our daily job. Hey, there's a lady with a bag like mine. I wonder if she's a court reporter. Then the second thought, Oh, no, I hope we're not going to the same deposition. It's sort of like the thought I have when I see a videographer. Oh, no, is my depo videotaped? They didn't tell me it's videotaped.
Like many reporters, I like to know ahead of time what services are being requested. I hate to be blind-sided by a videographer, interpreter,…
Added by Kyung on November 21, 2008 at 5:30 —
Yes, I went to Best Buy/Geek Squad - Agent Smith. She removed the external battery (located on bottom) then replaced it, which restarted my laptop. I'm definitely going to buy a new one, but does anybody know which one works with CaseCat 8? I have XP and I know the new ones are running Vista. Thanks everybody for your inputs.
Added by Diane Hickman on November 20, 2008 at 11:31 —
Toshiba Satellite Pro, bought in 2002. It won't turn on. I'm going to go to Best Buy to purchase a new laptop. They have Geek Squad there, and I'm going to ask them to transfer my harddrive (which has my depo jobs) info to the new laptop. But since this is the first time I've ever experienced this tragedy, can anyone give me advice on what laptop to buy or how to get through this mess? Please respond ASAP!!
(groan) Diane
Added by Diane Hickman on November 20, 2008 at 9:39 —
Thank you, Lord!
So . . . those of you who want to catch up to my CSRnation "Elite" status, start typing! I'll be off the boards for a week. Just me and my five boys and Maui -- how awesome is that!!
Flying out this afternoon and still don't have a condo rented. Sleeping on th beach in Maui, what fun!!
Added by Tami on November 20, 2008 at 9:31 —
Hi again, fellow reporters! Here's a simpler link to
vote for my sweet chihuahua Paris who is entered in this "
My Cutest Pet" contest. Yes, I know it may seem silly, but who would've thought we'd make it to the
FINALS? I'm still pinching myself! Maybe with enough votes we can
WIN this contest! Thanks so much for your help!
GOOOO TEAM PARIS! Sorry, but I can't seem to make it work so you can just click on the link. Maybe you can copy and paste it to your…
Added by Debra on November 20, 2008 at 7:00 —
That is awesome. Good for Clay. What a fun day that must have been to have him with you.
Yes, I had a really fast school principal on Monday. There was no slowing him down, though, but I sure tried. I had warmed up with Mark's ludicrous-speed Q&A on Magnumsteno. Then on some 200, 225 and 240's. The 200 and 225 were gettable, but the 240 was a challenge. Some of them I aced, but other sections were denser. Even though I had done that, the witness was faster than I was. So…
Added by Christine Kirley on November 19, 2008 at 12:09 —
No Comments
Am I the only one who is slow? I'm a reporter in the Northern California area, and have barely worked in the last two months. Is it just me or are there others out there? What is going on with our industry??
Added by Cari L. Waters-Drewry on November 19, 2008 at 10:07 —
Hi fellow reporters... please vote for my furry munchkin Paris so she can WIN this contest.. Voting ends this coming Sunday, November 23rd, at midnight! Thanks for your help... Goooooo Team Paris!vv Here's the link... http://1043myfm.com/pages/petcontest/pet_vote_FINALISTS.html
Added by Debra on November 18, 2008 at 21:30 —
No Comments
Sounds like an amazing event. I would be interested in purchasing a copy of the video for my daughter, who is a high speed student here in California. When it becomes available, will you post it on this site? Or you can e-mail me at clreporting@mac.com.
Thanks so much.
Added by Christine Kirley on November 18, 2008 at 17:31 —
No Comments
Woweecazowie!! I'm so proud of you. You are both amazing. Great job. That is an unbelievable pass rate. Will he be joining you at Southwest? Covering some depos -- hint, hint? I'm sure I'll be talking to you soon, that is when you come down from the clouds :)
Added by Christine Kirley on November 18, 2008 at 17:23 —
1 Comment
Hey gang, I think by now we've figured out that we're all a bunch of gung-ho reporters who enjoy what we do in the profession. But what do we enjoy doing outside of reporting? For instance, do you have a favorite wine or a particular type of food? Are you an artist or a musician?
I'll start things off. I play drums in a pipe and drum band. I also play golf, and enjoy bike riding. My favorite sports teams are the New York Yankees for baseball; The New York Jets and Giants for…
Added by Anthony D. Frisolone on November 18, 2008 at 17:00 —
Yes, it's a great day. My son Clay found out today he passed the CA CSR machine test. Did I say "passed"???
I meant he killed it. Five errors. (99.75%)
He thinks I'm a dork, hates how I gloat over him, but, MAN, THAT BOY MAKES ME SOOOO PROUD!!!!!!
Since he's already received word within the last two weeks he passed both academic portions of the CSR, he's made it over to the other side. He is really MY FAVORITE NEW REPORTER!!!!
Added by Tami on November 17, 2008 at 21:23 —
Well, times are slow for some of us and gas is high. Although it has come down a little bit. Just a smidge.
But what's the furthest you've driven for a depo? Timewise? Mileagewise?
I used to try to keep it around 30 miles, but I think I"ll have to bump it up to 40. Bleh. And that could end up being anywhere from and hour to two hours depending on traffic. Double Bleh.
When I first started, I drove to Palm Springs once for a depo. That was over a hundred miles…
Added by Kyung on November 16, 2008 at 7:20 —
After weeks of planning, the second semiannual student seminar that I was in charge of organizing was held today. The event was held at the Federal Courthouse where I work and It was called the Basics of Writing Multivoice Dictation. I came up with the topic as a result of students writing to me saying that the schools weren't doing enough to give them multivoice dictation. Again, no fee was charged to any of the 63 students that attended. 93 students registered for the event in…
Added by Anthony D. Frisolone on November 15, 2008 at 17:30 —
Can anybody help with the correct spelling of a company name? The doctor was talking about a company that do studies on college students IQ. What I heard and wrote, which may be totally wrong, is "Dodgeroll and Wonderlick Corporation. Any help would be so much appreciated.
Added by Rosalie DeLeonardis on November 14, 2008 at 8:21 —
OMG. I learn great and wonderful things about this site everyday. Did you know that if you like a song on someone else's page, you can add it to your page? I did not know that.
It is so coool!!! I will probably spend the day visiting people and listening to their music. Hope you all don't mind.
This is why this is such a cool site.
Added by Kyung on November 14, 2008 at 6:24 —
Now, that I've got your attention. I'm talking food again. Indian food this time. There are some really good Indian places around SoCal. The thing about Indian food is that they have those really great buffets. I always overeat.
One of my top favorite Indian food places is Natraj in Laguna Hills. My girlfriend who is Indian says this place is very good. Their kheer (rice pudding) is delicious. I'm not sure if the fast food Natraj is owned by the same people. They're kind of the…
Added by Kyung on November 12, 2008 at 20:28 —
Hi, I have a 400 SRT and my paper is sliding to the left on the platen. It is very noisy and the strokes aren't coming out clear. I called the Stenodoctor who said to send it in. Has this happened to anyone who might have an idea about an adjustment I can make before I send it in? I am also using different paper pads than I normally do. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Added by Trudi O'Brien on November 12, 2008 at 17:04 —
1 Comment