Tami, I am all signed up for the RPR in November. I took a few days off this week to celebrate finishing, but soon it will be back to high-speed practice to get ready for it and keep my speed up!
I can attest to the fact that getting rid of coming back for your inflected endings is a real tough one to break (at least it has been for me). Start breaking the habit as early as you can!
The good news: I have ONE test left! I have a test with my teacher being graded right now -- hopefully I will have good news to share with you guys later today!!
Just in case it's not clear, "inflected endings" are -ed, -es, -s, -ing.
After you start learning to include them with the initial stroke when possible, then you can start learning how to tuck and invert your endings and a couple other concepts that will help you get them into the initial stroke (or two).
Personally I think coming back in a separate stroke for the inflected endings is the worst atrocity out there being taught by teachers nowadays, and it's not always the easiest habit to break. Of course it's not always possible to get the endings in with the initial stroke or two, but most of the time it is.
What about the possibility of not hitting clean the second stroke when coming back for the endings??
Doesn't your teacher have a greater chance to drag another letter in with the -D if she's hurriedly coming back for another stroke when I'm already moving on to the next word???
Also, you have an -S under the -T that works quite well to create a plural form. If you're writing KAT/-Z for "cats," why?? KATS works FINE!
Congratulations, Saniya!!
I-Sha, my son is a first-year reporter, and while he worked his behind off in school, he's working 24/seven nowadays.
The nice difference: He's making the big bucks, Baby!!! :)
Comment by tami carlson on August 25, 2009 at 14:09
Ugh! That's like saying, "I can't parallel park; so you should never attempt parallel parking."
Yes, ma'am, the Z is definitely there so we can use it! Everything about steno is a personal preference really. Maybe she has so much of a problem with the -DZ that it is better for her to come back with the -S or -Z. But that doesn't mean it's what's best for you! You need to do what works well for you. If you can hit a stroke that is helpful and saves time, why wouldn't you? I have had problems with dragging the -Z too, but i worked on it and have cut those problems down, and I definitely would not come back with the plural just for the sake of doing it. Do what you know is right!
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